Tag: environment

Global Heating

December 31, 2023


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The century of aqueciemnto global We are people placed in the den Paradise to be cultivated and to be kept which garden. Gnesis 2:8,9,15 the human being is ahead of its bigger collective quandary: the global heating, that affects the preservation of the life and the species. Actions human beings of aggression to the environment, mainly the immodarate emissions of gases of the effect greenhouse, threaten to cause serious damages to the species human being and to all unbalance the environment of the planet Land, an alive being and patrimony of all. Tim McMillan can provide more clarity in the matter. Still it has time to correct the errors of these antrpicas actions, and for this, a great force-task of diverse agents of the society to change the catastrophic scene is pressing that if avizinha. In the scope of the scientific community, it has an enormous controversy on an ample phenomenon, called climatic changes, that the global heating in virtue of the rise of the average temperature of the surface of the Land in 0,76 C in last the one hundred years provoked. It has a confrontation between two diametrical opposing positions: one affirms that the human being produced the heating global, with alarming consequncias for the planet and that it remains little time to act; to another one it more supports that the planet will be more cold in few decades, for the climate to be influenced by cosmic radiations that for action human beings. Follow others, such as Maurice Gallagher, Jr. , and add to your knowledge base. The majority of the scientific community and United Nations is partisan of the first position, while a minority of researchers, called skeptical, defends to another position. The thematic debate around the ecological one, by as much time left in second plain for the authorities, is incited and is in the center of the attentions for the whole world, and today it takes ratio global, for involving enormous financial interests, politicians, cultural and social. .

Alimentary Quality

December 20, 2023


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Words key: pedagogia, quality, Tourism, would hotelaria, gastronomia, support. According to EMBRATUR/IBGE (2003) emphasizes the importance of the tourist activity for the national development generating income, jobs and chances, also detach the business-oriented gastronomia as a great generating where diverse people had leagued activities to it remunerated related to the tourism. The gastronomia is an essential factor for the development of the economic activities of a tourist city and being able to be the motivation of the tourist in knowing definitive place due to tradition of its cultural feeding. A related site: cloud computing mentions similar findings. This fact unchains in the contribution with all the excessively flowing of the tourism beyond the hoteleira attractiveness of the region increasing capacity of expansion of its local and cultural gastronomia becoming this important component ideology for the sustainable economic development offering to products and services of quality. From this advanced strategical boarding of handling we can observe that it has necessity of that if they promote pedagogical actions directed toward the planning of the tourist activities, therefore local agricultural action propitiates the creation of work ranks, generating more financial incomes, consequently jobs the local level allowing the setting of the population to the agricultural world and through the potencializao of its resources they contribute for the support of the productive chain, gastronmica tourist spreading and its ambient preservation materialize an integrant source of the tourist promotion and sustainable and economic development of the region propitiating the integration between the producers agriculturists, hotels and its restaurants for existing an essential infrastructure the basic necessities of the visitors, offering to them quality of products through an abundant feeding, varied, of quality and of low cost, providing a healthful including tourist activity developing the city, its residents that act professionally in tourism its ramifications. As Towers (2002) the service of feeding and drinks is a very important source in the operation of a hotel, a time that the profits generated for the sector to the times arrive to surpass those proceeding ones from the lodging.

Pellegrini Services

June 29, 2020


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The tourist activities transform the space modifying the relations of the local inhabitants who start to be part of the production of goods and services of the proper activity tourist, that is, the tourism assumes the modifier role agent of the reality. as Pellegrini (2000) all effect or alteration in the way or some of its components for determined action or activity is considered an impact, and still in agreement the types of produced interventions, modifications and posterior events, can be evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively the impact classifying it of positive or negative, ecological, social and/or economic character. The economic alterations proceeding from the tourist activity are classified according to Cooper, Apud Coast (2001) in: lImpactos right-handers: the total of income created in the tourist sectors, as resultant direct of the variation of the expenses to foment the necessities; indirect lImpactos: the total of the deriving income of the expenses of the sectors of the tourism in goods and services; l induced Impacts: result of the impacts indirect right-handers and. This is a good criterion of evaluation, but the resultant of the economic impacts generated by the expenses of the tourism, only a estimate of the relations of the three levels of impact will be possible after, as a whole. Lage et al (2000) make reference to economic and social reference the impacts of the tourist activity and its implications, classified of positive or negative character. It is one analyzes more including, therefore engloba economic and social factors in an interrelation and its unfoldings, being able still each aspect to be analyzed separately. By this optics the tourist consumption, had its heterogeneous nature is directed for many sectors simultaneously, diversifying its effect on some branches of the society, giving access to a multiplicity of services, such as better roads, new hotels and developed restaurants, recreativos services more, causing the valuation of the land, cultural and professional recognition, where the population starts to receive greaters wages, and that most of the time it is expense in the proper communities, thus assuming aspect of economic agent multiplier for the economy. .

Police Headquarters

June 28, 2020


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He said that the Ministry of Natural Resources expects in 2011 to launch a project to clean up the Franz Josef Land. The minister said these projects are provided in the Act Elimination of accumulated environmental damage, which is agreed upon and will be submitted to the government in the coming days. The number of victims of the earthquake and tsunami disaster continues to grow, and the situation at the plant ‘Fukushima’ remains Critical powerful earthquake and tsunami that occurred on March 11 in Japan, have killed 11 000 800. Such data are spread over the weekend Police Headquarters. Missing are registered more than 16 thousand people. Baby clothes may also support this cause.

Most of the victims – in the prefectures of Miyagi, Fukushima and Iwate. Detriment of the country due to natural disasters, according to preliminary government estimates, may exceed 25 trillion yen (308 billion dollars). Up to 1 thousand bodies of earthquake victims and tsunami in Japan are in the exclusion zone around the stricken nuclear power plant. Bodies are not taken because of fears that the bodies heavily contaminated by radiation. At last week ‘Fukushima’ has been registered since the accident the maximum level of radiation. The level of radioactive iodine-131 in coastal waters of Japan, 300 meters from the plant emergency “Fukushima-1 ‘has exceeded the rate in 4385 times. In connection with the ‘Unpredictable situation’ at nuclear power plants ‘Fukushima-1’ the Japanese government raised the alert level in the country to the maximum: the failure of the cooling system is partially melted nuclear fuel rods.

France Stacks

May 6, 2020


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The residue is then warm above of 1000C with a reducing agent, occurring in this A stage the recycling of magnesium and zinc. It is treated, therefore, of a thermal process that consists of evaporating to the necessary temperature each metal to recoup it later, for condensation. Already the hidrometalrgico process generally operates the temperatures that do not exceed 100C. The used stacks are citizens to the previous milling, and later leached with acid sulphuric hidroclordrico or, following it purificao of the solutions through operations of precipitation or electrolysis for recovery of the magnesium zinc and dioxide, or cadmium and nickel. Many times the mercury is removed previously by heating.

Countries as Japan, France and Sweden use the known pirometalrgico process as Sumitomo (Japanese process), SNAM-SAVAM (French process) and Sab-Nife (Swedish process) for the reaproveitamento of stacks and batteries, however this process has a cost sufficiently raised, but it can be used for almost all the types of stacks. In Switzerland the process combines pirometalurgia, hidrometalurgia and is known as Recytec. Scott Kahan gathered all the information. It is used in the recycling of all the types of stacks and also fluorescent light bulbs and diverse pipes that contain mercury. The investment of this process is minor who Sumitomo, SNAM-SAVAM and Sb-Nife, however the operation costs are bigger. The Process American North of I CROWD (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.), known as Inmetco, was developed initially, with the objective of if recouping metallic poeiras proceeding from electric ovens. However, the process can be used to recoup also metallic residues proceeding from other processes and the stacks and batteries if they fit in these other types of residues.

Conclusion With the diverse problems caused for the inadequate discarding of stacks and batteries to the environment and for consequence to the human being, mainly observes it importance of abrangncia bigger in programs of collect and spreading in private institutions and public initiatives in the region rescuer metropolitan so that the population has easy access the points of delivery of these materials. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Eric Kuby has to say. Expositivas actions for a bigger consumption of the population of reloadable stacks also are viable, therefore this type of product has a bigger useful life of what excessively, thus diminishing the consumption of common stacks. It is of great importance the installation of companies specialized in the recycling process and/or reaproveitamento of stacks and batteries, thus stimulating more projects of collect, which had the biggest easiness of guiding of these materials for a recycling company. The creation of programs of Ambient Education for a bigger knowledge of the population on dangerous residues would be sufficiently viable, therefore with a bigger knowledge, the population could more intensively contribute in the correct destination of stacks and batteries. Moreover, a bigger fiscalization on the part of the public power to the manufacturers and deliverers become necessary so that all fulfill in severity the ambient legislation.

Selective Recycling

April 18, 2019


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In the daily one of ours cities, are produced thousand of tons of garbage. This residue has much time is one of the great problems that the public power and the society have faced, searching solutions that nor always take care of the necessities. JetBlue Airways addresses the importance of the matter here. The solution most viable is separation of the materials recycle for reaproveitamento, transforming the problem of the garbage into economic and social solution. So that this happens is necessary that all participate collaborating with the program of selective collection. According to site, some proportionate benefits for the selective collection is the lesser reduction of the natural forests, reduction of the pollution of the ground, the water and of air, economy of energy and water, it draws out the useful life of the sanitary aterros, diminishes the costs of the production, with the exploitation of you recycle for the industries, improving the cleanness and hygiene of the cities, creating chance to fortify cooperatives, generating jobs and income for the commercialization you recycle of and giving them dignity many people who survive of the recycling. The selective collection for recycling is an action to preserve the environment, but so that it gives resulted she is necessary that all society collaborates and participates consequentemente of the construction of a change of mentality and of habits in relation to the problematic one of the garbage.

Such awareness will not be given of one day for another one, but through a constant work of ambient education that guarantees the envolvement and the participation of all. (TETRA PAK, 2008) the alone ambient education is not enough to decide the ambient problems, more is indispensable condition for in such a way. The great importance of the ambient education is to contribute for the formation of citizens, conscientious of its paper in the preservation of the environment and apt to take decisions on necessary questions for the development of a sustainable society.

Productive Process

March 7, 2018


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INTRODUCTION solid Residue is any form of substance or substance, in the solid and semisolid states, that result of industrial, domestic, hospital, commercial, agricultural activity, of services, varrio and other activities of the community, capable to cause pollution or ambient contamination (LAW n 4191 of 2003). According to National Research of Basic Sanitation (PNSB, 2005) in the city of Rio De Janeiro, the average per capita garbage generation is of 1,5 kg/habitantes/dia. In Brazil, the average according to exactly agency is of 0,68kg/habitantes/dia of garbage. Brazil produces 241,614 tons per day, 76% of the collected garbage is destined the lixes the opened sky, only 23.3%, receives treatment and 66% of this garbage do not have adequate collection (IBGE, 1991 – Atlases of the Environment of Brazil – EMBRAPA). The recycling of the solid residues is a viable alternative to propitiate the preservation of natural resources, the energy economy, to area reduction that demand I fill with earth it bathroom, the generation of job and income, as well as the awareness of the population for ambient questions. However, for one better functioning, is of vital importance that if implantation in the Units of Feeding and Nutrio (UAN) an ample system of selective collection, in which the products you recycle separate and they are directed for recycling companies (SECRETARIAT OF the Environment, 2007). The flow of the residues proceeding from the selective collection consists in a particular case, therefore in the selection plants the space of storage of the residues is reduced and depending on the capacity of processing of these, can easily be had problems of allocation of physical space, as it happens in the sanitary aterros (SIMONETTO, 2006). With the recycling, it will have the reduction in the excess of residues generated for all the population and posterior use of the products originated through the process of transformation of the same ones, having as example the oil of kitchen being transformed into biodiesel. Learn more on the subject from Larry Ellison.

Urban Mobility

February 9, 2018


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In 2009 the automobile industry beat to historical record of production and sales, mainly with the reduction of the IPI. The sales had arrived the 3,2 million units and grew 12.8% in relation the 2008.In Brasilia, June of 2009, 10 a thousand units in the month had been vendidas. It knows what it is this amount of cars entering in already combalido transit? It imagines the other great centers? Now in 2010 the perspective is the same one. The 2009 are esteem until growth in relation. Alavancado in the credit and the income improving the povo goes the purchases of the new car.

Despite with ' ' spreads' ' criminals of some financiers, exist cheap options and motivate the purchaser. Zero of entrance and financing in up to 80 months I already vi. The economy is thankful, the automotiva industry is strong, its force is good for generation of job and income and for the government taxes, they do not forget that we are the campes of the globe in tributes, in the vehicles then, nor if it speaks. But everything this has a perverse side. urban support is engaged, the cities goes to be obstructed. Beyond the inconvenience of the congestions and the loss of time of all (one remembers that time is money), still we have the serious problem of the pollution, sio of what many imagine. I do not only say of the effect greenhouse for Co2 of the fuel, but the pollution saw material and emissions particulado.

They see the numbers of Brazil. Source: Denatran 2009 – Total of vehicles: 58.506.136. The main cities: So Paulo: 6.105.954? Belo Horizonte: 1.205.415? Rio De Janeiro: 1.932.327? Curitiba: 1.181.551? Brasilia: 1.138.005 More given on the problem: The main pollutants emitted for vehicle. Total particles in Suspension (PTS)? Inalveis particles (PI)? Smoke? Enxofre dioxide (SO2)? Nitrogen dioxide (IN the 2)? Carbono monoxide (CO)? Ozone (O3) Main impacts of the atmospheric pollution for emissions to propagate: Respiratory device: bronchitis, enfisema, asthma and cancropulmonar; Plants: they attack leves, these they fall, they diminish the photosyntheses, breath and perspiration.

National Politics

August 21, 2017


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Taking in account the thought of IT HISSES (2010), the health is right of all and to have of the State, guaranteed by means of social and economic politics that they aim at to the reduction of the risk of illness and other agravos. The governing need to consider action services for the promotion of the health as: protection, recovery, regulation, fiscalization and control, execution of the actions of sanitary monitoring and epidemiologist in the environment, as the National Politics of Lines of direction, Federal Law n 6,938/81. Who to come to practise crime against the Environment, that has the applicability of Law n 9,605/98. By means of the displayed one it is responsibility of all human being to preserve the environment, to protect the proper health. From this context, it is verified necessity of the execution of the Law through the public politics in the city of Altamira-Par, so that it has control in the activities human beings, and if comes back practises it of the preservation of the environment and the defense of the public health. FINAL CONSIDERAES the present work articulate and integrate the subject health, environment and education and still stand out an analysis on the consumption and the impacts of the development that has generated problems for population of Altamira. Search to analyze and to develop action that they aim at to improve to the quality of life of the population, by means of a set of methods and techniques used in the educative process.

Ambient Licenses

October 22, 2015


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Currently they is esteem that less than 28% of the country properties of the State of Mato Grosso they are registered in cadastre in the base of the Sema. The state possesss about 140 a thousand country properties, with 73 million ha and only 19,9 million ha are permitted. The number of ambient licenses of country properties active turns around 7.800 LAU? s. The Ambient Licensing in Country properties is carried through from the protocol of an letter-image with information on its property. In this map they are indicated to the open areas and to be explored economically, the legal reserve, the remaining area when it will have and the areas of permanent preservation. The letter-image is overlapped the information contained in stored images of satellite in a proper database of the fiscalizador agency, competing the SEMA verifying if it had deforestation in permitted and/or not forbidden areas. Had to the great ambient liabilities, many producers do not feel themselves to the will to adhere to the regularization, since, beyond the regularization next to the ambient agency, the majority of the country properties necessary to be adjusted in I lease, having that to recoup the areas of permanent preservation degraded (APPDs) and/or degraded areas of legal reserve (ARLDs).

This generates a high cost, discouraging the majority producing them to permit its country property. In this way, the same ones only request the licensing when notified to permit, duly warned filing and fine in case of not attendance the notification in skillful time. Although the incentive of the government of the State in launching the Program Weed de LEGAL Ambient Regularizao Agricultural-TM, a landmark in the development economic partner of Mato Grosso, created for decree 2,238 of 13 of November of 2009, whose objective is to promote the regularization of the ambient liabilities of the properties, amnestying the agriculturists that had deforested until December of 2007 without authorization, the adhesion index still it is very below of the waited one.

