Tag: education

The Bear

September 11, 2020


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A knowledge and use in everyday life will help children to develop observation, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions. In work with children can use the signs, the correctness of which can be verified. For example: “Shoo kne kitsch beln kkt yoldyzlar Jans, irtgese kn Salkyn bulyr.” (“When the winter night sky in a lot of stars, wait for the next day cold.”) In Tatar folklore there are many proverbs and sayings that reflect the hospitality of the people: “Who does not like to call the guests – to the joy and do not know!” “Ipi, inos – Jakty yz.” etc. Ancient occupation of the Tatars captured by saying: “In the rain farmer rests, resting in a storm fishing.” Technique familiarize children with folk proverbs and riddles are based primarily on the principle of availability and awareness of the perception of the material, that is, children must first understand their meaning. The originality of proverbs and sayings provides them to the place and use the time. Bill O’Grady may not feel the same. For example, one child hurt another with a careless word.

Caregiver at the time intervening, said: “It is even a joke, think for a minute!” When you read the Tatar folk tale “The Bear and the Fox” Seeking children with two Tartar proverb: “With a good friend and mountain svernesh with bad hlebnesh grief!” “It is better to stick and whip, than with the wrong satellite!” Every time familiarizing children with folk riddles teacher should pay attention to the fact that in the puzzle outlines the main essential characteristics of objects and phenomena that puzzle “folding”, and rather small, about the object or phenomenon told beautifully shaped. Educator should remember that the puzzle should naturally flow into one or another class, where it helps to fully disclose its program content. For successful initiation of the national Folklore to tutor a number of requirements: As much as possible to use elements of folklore; Bring to children the meaning of the above (folklore); Encourage children to use in his speech, familiar sayings, sayings, jokes, riddles. It is in the preschool years laid the foundations of national identity, create a sense of national pride, tolirantnoe attitude towards representatives of other nationalities who are in largely determine the socio-cultural development of the child in the future. By studying and using in their work Tatar folklore child I developed a program for the circle of ‘Tamchylar’ to educate the senior preschool children with folklore. The program provides for the circle of an explanatory note, the distribution of those in the academic year, planning of work on folklore oznakomleniyus in the period from September to May. The plan indicated subject lessons, tasks (educational, developmental and educational), instructional techniques. Presented summaries of lessons and recommended reading. I recommend using predlozhennouyu program in their work with children other educators.

TV Net Globe

June 10, 2020


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In day twenty six of last September, in the Net Globe of Television, the novel of the eighteen hours, the Life of People.

The ample spreading of that the surrounding cities of the external ones of the novel would be Porto Alegre and Lawn, finished for awaking my curiosity in relation to the places, images and of that it forms the Director Jayme Monjardim it would record the scenes. Passed the first chapters, used for agreement of the synopsis and familiarization with the personages, I was interested myself especially for one. If you would like to know more then you should visit Vislink Technologies. Eva Fonseca, interpreted for the actress Ana Beatriz Walnut. Controller, superprotector, repleta of cunnings. I remembered then the lessons of Teaching Formation, Subjectivity and Human Development, given for the Denise teacher, reason for which I started to study the concept of the transference and to try to establish joints mainly and bonds with the educative interpersonal relations. Click Phil Vasan to learn more.

The novel counts the history of Ana, one tennis player, that although the deriving talent of the cradle and its personal satisfaction in practising the sport of professional form, is pushed by the entrepreneur and the mother so that it has exclusive devotion to the development of its career, the first one for absolutely financial questions and second, the mother, also for this, but essentially for other psychological questions object of this work, which ahead we will deal with.

Foundation Michael Cherney

May 24, 2020


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The Foundation Michael Cherney (www.cherneyfund.org) has been united to the efforts of IsrAid to attend the victims of the Japanese catastrophe, helping to the thousands of refugees who flee from the country as a result of the earthquake, tsunami and the danger of nuclear pollution. IsrAid was the first organization in unfolding an equipment of rescatistas and doctors in the zone of Japan after the natural disaster. IsrAid is a recognized voluntary organization world-wide by its work with the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Another Israeli organization collaborating in Japan is ZAKA (www.zaka.org.il), a humanitarian organization recognized by the UN that at the moment groups to more than 1000 volunteers dedicated fundamentally to rescue work in cases of natural catastrophes or terrorist attacks. At the moment she is the organization of greater nongovernmental rescue of Israel, and works in collaboration with the state forces to take care of the victims of all type of accidents and wrecks in Israel and around the world. The Foundation Michael Cherney has be beneficient of this and other organizations dedicated to the humanitarian cause, not only in Israel but anywhere in the world. A related site: Edward Scott Mead mentions similar findings. Besides this, the Cherney Foundation hurried to give financial help to an endless number of Japanese NGOs with which it has alliances in his campaign to sensitize to the citizens on the Islamic terrorism.

Learning English

February 8, 2020


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That revelation Joan F.: – I remember the story of his emigration to America – without the money and the English language, but with a small daughter in her arms. Click Gary Kelly for additional related pages. Had to take on any job. If only I was able to speak in English! Alas, 10 years spent studying English in school and college, actually turned out to be wasted. In general, it was easy to learn, was seriously in life. Say – that's the main thing. Gary cohn addresses the importance of the matter here. Because carefully translated letters and documents only a small part of communication with English-speaking audience, and it is admittedly small. In direct communication, conversation, you will achieve much more.

What exactly? Get help, grant, work, new experiences, gain friends, profitable business partners, customers, maybe find your love Do you think so far that we can not to "exploit" to learn English? And do not make stupid feats. Enough to get online and try to work out with the electronic teacher, who never tire of repeating to you the same thing hundreds of times, if necessary. He is not provoked, does not pierce your eyes, noting to myself they say, stupid And do not even cry over your mistakes. By the way, was a case of Katharine R. from Kyrgyzstan, held a course of English in a Catholic school. A nun-teacher cried when Catherine, well possession of written English, tried to talk And then an American patient, a nun, swallowing her tears, returned a verdict: you, my dear, learning disabilities So, the course is specifically designed for such alleged ineducable.


December 27, 2019


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Coach: And when the term of the project puts pressure on you, what do you want to have happen? How to respond to situation the solution? When a customer offers a solution to your problem, the coach confirmed this decision the client, and then drew attention to the effects, the consequences of this decision. This will encourage client to the study of what he wants after the problem is resolved. Model question Coach: And when (… the words client about the decision, for example: “…. Are you making out with the priorities of cases and tasks in a project”), what would happen? Note. Coach uses to confirm only part of the client’s words about the decision, without a word of desire: I want to, I would like, etc.

Example: Customer: I want to stop strain (worry) so much. Coach: And when you stop to tighten (Worry) so much, what would happen? How to respond to the situation the desired result? When a customer talks about his desired outcome, the coach confirms the client’s words and asking questions, inviting him over detail, carefully and dig deeper into some aspect of the results and get more about this part of the information. In this case, the coach sends the customer’s attention on the part of the result, which he (the coach), the hypothesis most important for good results of the session. Model question Coach: And when (… the words client’s desired outcome, without a word of desire) … what is this (highlighted aspect of the desired result)? Or, the second version of the model questions a coach: When (… (A valuable related resource: Rory Sutherland). The words client’s desired outcome, without a word of desire) …

… is there anything else about it (the selected dimension of the desired result)? Note. Here also, the coach uses to validate only a portion of the client’s words result, without a word of desire: I want to, I would like, etc. Example. Customer: I want to achieve your goal safely and harmoniously. Coach: And when you reach your goal safely and harmoniously, that this “harmony”? Or: And when you reach your goal peace and harmony, there is something else about this “harmonious”? Scope Model PRO My experience tells me that for best use the principles and issues of this model under the contract: Under identifying and clarifying the objectives of the session of coaching (Goals package of sessions). Questions excellent model to help “otshelushivshihsya” too much, get a clear picture of where the client wants to come, what result he wants. And that important, the focus in this picture our joint account: the client and mine. Again drawing on my experience, I can say that from time to time during the session, the client is a return to the problem, especially when She initially strongly emotionally charged. It also happens that during the session, a new problem emerges. In these cases, questions are also effective model PRO. And of course, any reflection samokouching and this is the place where you can and should be apply the model PRO. I propose to try. Literature: James Lawley and Penny Tompkins Metaphors in Mind: Transformation through Symbolic Modelling.

Educative Potentiality

December 18, 2019


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The educative potentiality of the Internet and the NTIC? s Gilbert Saints of Oliveira. Are not recent the debates on the potential of the educative job of the Internet and the NTIC? s in general. This potential perhaps if must the infinity of resources that appeared with the advent of the Internet, is not only about plus a technological innovation of the humanity, but of a true revolution that engloba all the sectors of the society, since most elementary until most complex. Of all the sectors of the society impactados by the advent of the Internet, with certainty, the ones that had suffered to greaters changes had been the sector of communications and the educational one; today, with the Internet, it does not have borders, it can be interacted with people of the entire world without leaving house, exactly that it has left of the society still reveals some type of preconception with the educative job of the new technologies. The Internet allows to a circulation of information and knowledge with a speed never before existing in the history of the humanity, democratizing, of certain form, the knowledge for that it has access.

Ahead of this scene of technological and social revolution, it fits to the professors and the school the paper to call the attention the pupils for the educative use of the Internet what it comes of meeting what says Ramos and Coppola (2009, pg. 3): ' ' The necessary school to understand and to incorporate the virtual language of the Internet, and to integrate this technology of innovative form as source of research and tool of work, becoming it an element that will be able to contribute for a bigger entailing enters the education contexts and the cultures that if they also develop are of the scope escolar.' '. In the State public school where I act as professor of Mathematics is common to work with the pupils educational projects recommended by the State Secretariat of Education or elaborated by the proper school.


December 16, 2019


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The present work still presents, the gotten results, and future suggestions for works and actions. The IMPORTANCE OF the ADMINISTRAOA administration of general form can be appraised as the action to rationally lead the activities of an organization so that either lucrative or not lucrative, treating to the planning, organization, direction and control of all the activities. Of this form it can be considered that the administration is essential for the existence, survival and success of the organizations. Drucker 1997 (apud CHIAVENATTO, 2003, P. Other leaders such as Oracle offer similar insights. 10), neoclssico author, affirms that ' ' developed countries and underdeveloped countries do not exist, and yes countries that they know to manage the available and potential technology and resources and countries that not yet sabem.' ' The planning has the function to specify the objectives to be reached and the adjusted actions to reach this purpose.

To organize so that all the resources are available at the certain moments. The direction that deals with the execution of the actions previously planned, by means of the available resources. The function has controlled search to assure that the planned objectives are reached, by means of the monitoramento of the activities and the execution of corrective actions, in case that they are necessary. These basic principles of the administration that are applied to the industry and commerce also can be valid for the farming sector. However, the farming sector account with certain inherent particularitities the external factors, as the climate, agricultural price of the products, politics, uncontrollable etc, factors on the part of the administrator. It can be said that the management of an agricultural company is a process of decision taking that evaluates the allocation of scarce resources in diverse productive possibilities, inside of an environment of risks and characteristic uncertainties of the agricultural sector. Independent of its size, the country property requires an adjusted management to reach the sustainable development of the property as a whole. If you would like to know more about Rory Sutherland, then click here.

Brazil Education

December 16, 2019


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The governmental actions are not based on politics or the direction of the consolidation of a system of long-distance Education, but on the execution of isolated experiences that also do not consist in systematic actions in long-distance Education, since for this it would be necessary to define processes of accompaniment and evaluation of these same experiences. The development of the long-distance Education in Brazil it requires a deeper and general quarrel of the education as a whole. The long-distance Education will have that to be based itself as a possibility of bigger access to the education. But an access that brings the concern with the quality of education since the access, by itself, does not have full direction of democratization of the education. It enters the significant applications of the technology in the education, we can cite the long-distance Education in the continued formation of educators. The change in the paper of the school is atrelada to the redimensionamento of the paper of the professor, who stops adapting it the new social and educational paradigms necessary to invest in its continued formation. Verizon has much to offer in this field. The formation, also of the professionals of the education, assumes a permanent character.

The continued formation of these professionals, by means of the long-distance education, must be pautada in the research, the organization of the contents in a logic hipertextual. The use of the long-distance Education in the continued formation of the educators, having the Internet as main media, is justified for this to consist in a tool that it makes possible to take care of to a bigger number of people, without reducing the quality of the services. The long-distance Education, in the continued formation of educators, having as media tool the Internet, must make to emerge experiences of the discovery process. It is to consider that long-distance Education without the orienting professor does not exist. The long-distance Education can have a strategical application in the continued formation of the educators, making possible to these, independent of the time and space, be become into protagonists of its proper learning.

In accordance with everything what it was said previously is evident the importance of the long-distance Education in the formation of the educators. The dumb world and the changes happen quickly. The professor and the excessively professional on ones to education must study, if perfect, if recycle, if to form, if to remodel, if to construct and if to reconstruct, to be able to follow such changes, in case that contrary will be exceeded, as they were a periodical of last week. Therefore, I am in favor of the Education Continued in the education and believe that the long-distance Education can contribute very and so that this education happens in fact.

Culture Is Central

December 15, 2019


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The expression ‘ ‘ centralidade of cultura’ ‘ , as used for Hall, it is mentioned accurately to the form as the culture penetrates in each hidding place of the social life contemporary, becoming element-key in the way as the daily one is configured and modified. Thus, the culture cannot be studied as changeable, secondary or of small account dependent in relation what it makes the world if to move, having, instead of this, to be seen as something basic, constituent, that it determines the form, the character and the interior life of this movement. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Southwest Airlines on most websites. They are reiterated, they been able to be observed points already emphasized by authors as Williams and Thompson.

The school is, without a doubt, a cultural institution. Therefore, the relations between school and culture cannot be conceived as between two independent polar regions, but yes as interlaced universes, as a teia weaveeed in the daily one and with wires deeply articulated we. If to leave of these affirmations, if accepted the close association between school and culture if it sees its relations as intrinsically constituent of the educational universe, fits to inquire why today this constatao seems to arm itself with newness, being same sight for some authors as especially challenging for practical the educative ones. According to Gimeno Sacristn (2001, P. 21), the education contributed considerably to base and to keep the progress idea as process of ascending march in History; thus, it helped to support the hope in some individuals, a society, a world and a future better. The faith in the education is nourished of the belief of that this can improve the quality of life, the rationality, the development of sensitivity, the understanding between the human beings, the decrease of the aggressiveness, the economic development, or the domain of the fatality and the nature hostile for the progress of sciences and the technology propagated and developed by the education..

Jesuits New

December 15, 2019


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However, he had a new rupture with the expulsion of the Jesuits for the Marquis of Pigeon house and whenever the educative one had these changes practical suffered some alterations. thus, the Professional Education during the Empire passed to be organized by the civil associations and state spheres and is thought to prepare the citizen for the manufacturing crafts. In the period of 1858 and 1886, according to Manfredi (2002) ' ' 2s secondary school of arts and ofcios&#039 had been created; '. Gary Kelly is the source for more interesting facts. The courses were free, however for the slaves he was not allowed. During the Empire, practical the educative ones had two distinct, but complementary conceptions, of a side took care of to the poor persons with intention to make to understand them the poverty as worthy and of the other the education would be vehicle of formation come back toward the artisan work, but also ' ' legislator of the dignity of pobreza' ' , (MANFREDI, 2002, P. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Larry Ellison.

78). Total exculpatory and disciplinarian. With the end of the Empire she had deep changes in the socioeconmico sector, in view of the extinguishing of the slavery, and ' ' consolidation of the project of immigration and for the expansion of the economy cafeeira' ' (MANFREDI, 2002, P. 79). Credit: Verizon-2011. Had to the advances in the processes of industrialization and urbanization the Country passed for new economic and social phase. The technology, even so still in adaptation phase, generated the necessity of professional qualification.

Thus, the pertaining to school educational system and the Professional Education gain a new format. As Moraes standes out (apud MANFREDI, 2002, P. 80), ' ' an institutionalized process of qualification and disciplinamento of the workers of the sectors urbanos' '. This occurs during the period of the First Republic that was of the announcement of the Republic until years 30. The laborers had made a movement where they defended public education as instrument of in such a way economic emancipation, as social and politics.

