Tag: money

The Student Credit Card

September 28, 2024


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Why should you not any credit card apply for a student, but a student credit card? The present time is very progressive and modern – so also the entire financial system. While it was still perfectly normal a few years ago to pay for most purchases with cash and change before each holiday to go, today is no longer necessary, since plastic cards have taken a long the primacy in the loading number. It is only problematic thing that E.g. Facebook is the source for more interesting facts. the possession of a credit card, usually on a good credit history is linked, i.e. the banks before issuing a credit card first information check the monthly income and the Schufa. But what about students, usually no or have a very low income? Can they get no credit card? Yes, they can. More and more credit card Institute have discovered that now that the student of today often is also the wealthy academics of the future. Check with Keith Oringer to learn more.

Precisely for this reason were credit card offers increased in the last few years for students on the Still no huge credit line, but all the relevant advantages of a credit card bring market brought. So credit cards for students typically for one year by any card fee are exempt – after all, a saving of between 12 and 36 Euro – depending on the provider. In addition, that the student credit card as normal, also, all over the world can be used like any other credit card. The unused percentage of credit limit, usually initially does not exceed 1000 euro, then, as with any credit card, only in the following month or later even a month from the account of the student pulled a. Should it be financially even somewhat close, it is here but also possible to a hire-purchase agreement with the credit card company and something more enjoyable to make so the repayment.

Builder Funding

June 13, 2021


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The demand for mortgages without equity! But who is this funding really for? Real estate financing is always linked to high financial outlay. even though many banks want a certain minimum equity ratio, many building owners would like to implement the House funding without equity. Basically the ability to represent a funding without equity also exists in practice. Basically, the House funding without equity is interesting only for persons that accurately and reliably can plan their income and the future career. Because only the increased risks that brings a House funding without equity with you, are sustainable in the long term. After all, the financial burden on the owners in a funding without equity is generally higher than with a financing with high equity ratio. Check out David Rogier for additional information. When deciding for a House funding without equity should be also taken into account, that the interest rate on the mortgage, clear higher than with a financing with high equity ratio.

This is due to the higher risk of default, that must calculate the missing equity Bank. Only if a builder can bring no saved capital in funding, the House funding without equity must be isn’t the only way to create the step in the own real estate. In the form of a muscle mortgage, each hand fairly talented Builder can provide the equity required by many banks through out-of-pocket payments for the construction of real estate. Whether the use of a House funding without equity for a builders worth a total depends on many different factors. Cost – and risk-based House funding with a high equity ratio should be preferred to the House funding without equity but, unless the House funding without equity is so soft terms possible, that it is worthwhile to absorb foreign capital for the financing and to apply existing equity..


July 29, 2020


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Mauve assumes risk in establishing existence by former source staffer food – November 17, 2009 – the fear of the former source staff from the unemployment and the existential fears associated are understandable. A chance to avoid this fate, is the step to independence. A step that is not nearly as hard, whatever is said. The e-commerce specialist mauve mailorder helps software from Essen ambitious source employee, to open up a new perspective on life by taking advantage of their knowledge and skills that they have acquired themselves as source employee, for his own mail-order business with its own web shop. Mauve mailorder accepts all investments and costs, which are necessary for the construction of an own web shop software. Also, the start-ups is funded by the employment office also 15 months long.

Interested parties must be no contractual commitments. After a year and only if the shop owner wants to continue his shop, which he usually only I, if he succeeds, a monthly fee of around 300 euros. Mauve thus assuming the full risk for the start of a successful business. “You need not shop such as Intershop for 300,000 euros to get in the online mail order. It is only important that you know where you can get the product you want to sell online. To deepen your understanding baby clothes is the source. And especially the staff of the e-commerce area of source are likely to know it.

We believe that for the source staff an attempt is worth to take their destiny into their own hands. Because they have no own investments, you can only win. Doing something is always better than unemployed at home to sit around and wait for that one slip for ALG II. And autonomy is not the worst manner, making money long ago. Especially since the employment office even 15 months financially supports the ICH-AG”, explains Christian mauve, Managing Director of mauve mailorder Software GmbH & co. KG. Mauve mailorder Software GmbH & co. KG with headquarters in Essen was by Christian mauve founded and currently employs 15 staff. Since 1999, mauve complete software solutions developed for the shipping trade. Mauve System3 the eCommerce specialist in the basic version offers a free online inventory management for the processing of mail orders with direct connection to the mauve Web shop system, where the customers? In contrast to other ERP systems around the world in real time via an Internet connection to their data can access and work anywhere. The products include mauve e-commerce beyond the mauve Web shop-system of certified by trusted shops with a variety of functions and the Web shop concept that is tailored specifically to the needs of pharmacists. Mauve mail software is a Microsoft Certified partner.


July 29, 2020


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At smava potential borrowers can absorb twice as large sums of credit borrowers can at smava recently cheap borrow up to 50.000,-euros. If you have read about Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Previously, the maximum loan amount was at the online credit platform at 25.000,-euros. For self-employment and business start-ups, it has become very difficult with the implementation of the provisions of Basel II to take a cheap loan. Since January 2007, these guidelines apply. Ratings are created for potential borrowers, which assess their creditworthiness. The worse the rating goes down, lending rates, to which self-employed persons can rent a credit will be higher. By the same author: IBM. The rating is poor, self-employed does not even get a loan. Depending on the customer’s credit risk is higher, the equity must be higher, which borrowers are required to leave.

Usually, entrepreneur, self-employed persons, freelancers or even small businesses of many banks as customers of the risk in the rating are classified. One of the reasons could be a not monthly stable income of this group? What is not included in the guidelines of Basel II, is that more and more employees can have only one month of notice or have only fixed-term contracts, and self-employed persons can make in turn also reserves and collateral. Against this background some companies specialize in recent years on loans for self-employed persons. Smava as well. Here, freelancers, self-employed workers or professionals can present their project and their desire of credit and borrow the needed money from other, convinced by the project, individuals. Because smava online credit platform of Germany offers as the first and largest loans from person to person.

So far, the loans to a maximum of 25.000,-euro were limited. Recently has smava doubled the maximum possible amount. Now people can hire loans for your business as well as for private requests between 1.000,-and 50.000,-euro credit platform. More See readers here to smava bank/smava-kredit.html

HMI Permanent Customer Satisfaction

July 26, 2020


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HMI agency sales: 25 years service to the customers of Hamburg, in September 2009: the HMI agencies celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. What was once planned as a relief of the HMI structures, is today an important distribution channel of the HMI. 25 years of HMI agency sales are successful and continuous development, for innovation, for strength and expertise, as well as for teamwork and customer service. The HMI took into account the importance of targeted, effective and continuous customer service in 1984 with the establishment of the agency sales. Thus, she created a unique sales model: the combination of structure and agency sales a guarantee of success of the HMI and the Hamburg-Mannheimer. The agency partners must be able to competently advise each customer according to its needs at different stages of life in all sectors. The aim must be, to make permanent the policyholder a satisfied customers.” This was the order on the first agencies – and this is profession and vocation of the HMI agencies today. The HMI agency sales wears with its consulting and support expertise substantially to the success of the entire HMI at.

The agencies of the HMI and their qualified staff intensive focus on their customers. You can the people that offer, this is currently the most need: security and confidence in the future. The HMI agency sales lives of people who have creative ideas and also implement them. Facebook recognizes the significance of this. These people have ensured that the agency sales over the course of 25 years has undergone continuous development: the concept of service of that time has been, he has been expanded is to financial services in the very best sense. Today, 1.5 million customers on the HMI agencies trust. More than 2,000 people work for the HMI agency team, of which more than 1,500 full-time mediators. A good training of the HMI agencies and a regular training at a high level are granted at the HMI. Investing in knowledge is much in the HMI-agency sales at all career levels.

Those who opt for the HMI agency sales, is not only an excellent Training; also, the career and earning potential are excellent at the HMI. 2008, the HMI has introduced a new, integrated career model, excellent putting the entrepreneurial idea. About the HMI, the HMI established itself as a sales organization of the Hamburg Mannheimer in the growing age pensions market. This means: top reviews, outstanding financial strength, high brand strength and awareness, and an effective, functioning infrastructure that makes the way free for success. While the HMI benefits from the close partnership, the security and size of Hamburg-Mannheimer and throughout the ERGO Insurance Group. About the Hamburg-Mannheimer, the Hamburg-Mannheimer is one of the leading brands in the German life and accident insurance. For about a century, customers place their trust in the brand of Hamburg-Mannheimer. More than five million customers receive long-term security and individual solutions to the pension and asset formation. In addition to the claims and legal expenses insurance has the Hamburg-Mannheimer a special expertise in securing sporting events as well as professional athletes, and she is partner of the German Handball Federation. 2008 it achieved premium income amounting to more than 3.5 billion euro. The Hamburg-Mannheimer belongs to the ERGO Insurance Group and thus to Munich Re, one of the world’s leading reinsurers and risk carriers.

Research Institute

July 20, 2020


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PKV insured persons prefer the written contact with their medical insurance (51.8%), insurance of the statutory health insurers use mainly the personal (40.9%) and telephone (40.5%) How to contact with. The partly considerably higher rational strong satisfaction ratings are reflected also in the more emotionally strong issues for the General evaluation of the health insurance fund / insurance. Legally insured will find much more sympathetic, their health insurance these would much more fully recommend their friends and acquaintances and much more frequently again for their health insurance decide than privately insured. The study report to the M + M insurance barometer 2010 can be ordered for 50.00 plus VAT directly at or by mail at Mr Opitz. The extensive bench with all specific evaluation data to study health insurance, as well as to the changes to 2009 is available for 490.00 + VAT.

Contact and more information: M + M management + marketing consulting GmbH Frank Opitz Dutch str. 198 34127 Kassel Tel: 0561-70979-17 fax: 0561-70979-18 M + M insurance barometer in brief In a representative survey insured by law and private citizens be involved regularly since 2005 over 1,000 by telephone on their perception of the health insurance fund, in which they are currently insured, questioned. Insurance barometer M + M M + M published 2010 with the management + marketing consulting GmbH (Kassel) for the sixth time in a row a Benchmarkingstudie to customer orientation in the German insurance market. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and their interrelationships and effect relations are central investigation. The survey takes place in structured telephone interviews according to the method of the computer assisted telephone interview (CATI) based on a specially designed by M + M (research group management + marketing) questionnaire developed by the market and opinion Research Institute USUMA GmbH in Berlin.

The planning and execution of the study is a joint project of the research group management + marketing in Kassel, the TU Dresden (Department for) Market-oriented management) and the USUMA GmbH in Berlin. Respondents of the M + M of insurance barometer selects representative and proportional after a multi-stage stratified random selection to the population by province. Person selected throughout Germany in the homes for the people aged 18 years and older according to the last birthday method. M + M insurance barometer allows each year the latest information based on: – facts and figures on the insured satisfaction and insured binding in the health insurance market, – pulses to the review and future orientation of the health insurance market positioning relationships between requirements of the insured, their satisfaction and their binding to the checkout – update the trends of recent years, -.

Research Institute Emnid

July 18, 2020


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In a few weeks in Germany investors in a new tax will have to get: the withholding tax will have to get Germany’s investors in a new tax in a few weeks: the flat tax. With her the revenues collected, moving in the range of interest rates and investment returns. A balance among the various plants aims to the flat tax, currently offered to U.S. citizens”, says Norbert Wagner from the Debi select group from Landshut. However, facilities that the Federal Government would continue to promote are excluded. Income from real estate, so rental income or value increase revenues; are not affected also closed-end funds provided tax better”, says the plant expert of Landshuter Debi select GmbH.

Unique numbers show how important it is in, to provide for old age. After almost three-fourths of the German fear of poverty in the age have. Poverty in old age is one of the largest in the next few years unfortunately also in reality Problems of our country”, so the Debi select expert. The opinion Research Institute Emnid on behalf of image detected alarming figures on Sunday. Therefore, the concern is particularly great (82 per cent) among women, as well as the people who are between 50 and 64 years old, so come in the next few years in retirement. The financial industry tries to bring people in the private pension system with countless products. But most citizens feel overwhelmed due to the increasing variety and number. Debi select starts exactly at this point.

“We have generated a product by the approach from investing in virtually unlimited markets and thereby offers a high security at attractive yields”, says Wagner of the Debi select group of companies. This is made possible by largely capital-protected investments. So, the Debi select invest funds in factoring companies, which in turn only withdrawals from capital life insurance or value paper credits to finance. Here at capital life insurance only the secured “Buy-back value is paid and if the securities only to those with high credit ratings, a de facto capital protection is for the Debi select Fund artists without having to buy expensive a him”, so the skilled person of the Debi select. The Debi select Fund could prove it since its Edition, that their business model works. Summary: Soon the Germans to a new tax, withholding tax, will have to get. Debi select advises thus: now the crossover make and invest in a safe product for retirement protection. The Debi select group has specialized in investments in the field of factoring by life insurance and value paper credits. For one, she participates in companies that ensure a professional factoring value paper credits with a high credit rating and on the other hand buy receivables capital forming life insurance companies. Factoring is a versatile financial services, in particular by medium-sized companies from the industry, wholesale and Service sector is used in growing volume.

Disability Insurance

July 13, 2020


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Why there is no general recommendation and how to still get to the right and you personally appropriate product to the disability insurance products are not only opaque pages of conditions, they offer also unmanageable many combination possibilities and occur in x variants. Read here what is right or wrong and what you need to consider. In almost any advice the question arises regarding the disability sooner or later according to the type of protection. There are in principle several possibilities. an independent disability insurance (BU or SBU) combined with a risk life insurance (BUZ) combined with capital-forming life or pension products (BUZ) combined with unit-linked products (BUZ) this not exhaustive but shows how hard is the right choice.

All have but one common. Not the kind of product, but solely the work of condition is crucial. So, different approaches for the combinations that arise the conditions are not right but so the protection is worth at worst nothing and the insurer denied the power (right). After the selection criteria for the tariffs to the BU protection are discussed and which condition works in question, now comes the question of the product is clear. All versions have advantages and disadvantages.

In the combination products, a pension or other investment / saving can be combined if this is of interest and also this product supply to the needs. Advantage here is also: the provision continues (contributions) in the event of an occupational disability and hedges so the desired target of interest. This must be considered a stand-alone product and where the pension according to set higher to be only “one falls retirement and entering the old-age pension not in a deep”financial hole”after expiry of the BU. The downside of such products is obvious. Is the retirement / investment product cancelled or no longer needed financial bottleneck so also the important safeguard in the event of occupational disability suffers. Still fits not every prevention product on the insured and combination products so as (single) pension may be a compromise. But another point arises yet. Through the so-called “one-year calculation”, it can certainly happen that the combination product is “cheaper” than the pure risk protection. Nevertheless, we make clear once an example an insured. Children’s clothing helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Our 30 years insured persons in the profession I would like to conclude EUR 2,000 monthly pension for occupational disability. Following posts occur on the selected insurer. (Run time up to 65, 67, performance time guaranteed pension increase in purchasing power of 2% p.a..) SOLO product: contribution of number of: 117,27 EUR (gross 172,47 EUR) combination product (Fund): 112,25 EUR number post here are the impact of individual products on the post quite imaginable. Pension insurance are of course here in the context of the linked to expect no serious withdrawal requests. The but realized in purchase taken, because it only went to that secure a disability protection. This does not mean in any case, only the one or the other product is good or bad. Prior to completion of the product, which is usually very long term oriented, you should worry enough, advice, read terms and conditions, and carefully consider the decision.

Services Insurance

May 23, 2020


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Only comfort tariffs include the collision with all animals in your condition works or include explicitly more animals such as domestic or farm animals in addition to the ground game. Baby clothes gathered all the information. Who already with his Vehicle and a deer, for example, has collided, white, how much damage can do something and that the vehicle may be behind may be also a total loss. Only those who in this case has a fully comprehensive, then gets its damage still replaced, must live with the upgraded by the claims, which not would occur in the partial cover insurance, because it remains also in case of damage at 100%. Car comparison Stiftung Warentest – comments to the partial cover insurance services Stiftung Warentest has in the November issue the rates and services almost all insurance against and color-coded many so-called basic rates because this a positive premium development have, unfortunately, many of these tariffs have the above incisions in the partial cover insurance services, so that a conclusion of these providers not advisable, because the savings, that you feel in the moment, not by far outweighs the consequences in the event of damage. Due to this fact is of some tariffs, highlighting Stiftung Warentest in your car comparison, discouraged.

The comprehensive Services a comprehensive have included many drivers if you have created to a new vehicle or at least a relatively new vehicle. Often, even a financing rests on this vehicle. The basic idea of inclusion is so often that that one through the inclusion of who feel relatively secure comprehensive services and with a sufficient compensation expects its financing can be solved with the that in the event of a total loss to then back to organize a new vehicle. Alone when buying a new car is known, that you must count on heavy losses in the event of a sale. It is said: “Leaving the yard of the dealership, according to a new car purchase one already suffers a loss of up to 50%.” For this reason, it weighs of course in total security with a fully comprehensive insurance.

The Gotha Service Declaration

May 20, 2020


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or: Again a brochure which provides no real added value in the past I had already written about the difference between statements in colorful brochures and insurance conditions. An impressive example of such Unfu, g is vividly documented in the article “how clients and intermediaries for stupid be sold should the Gothaer resource management in the PKV”. Actually, one would think Yes learn that insurer as a “meltdown from a marketing perspective”. Click baby clothes for additional related pages. Let’s see whether that happened in this case. Last week a new brochure of the Gothaer insurance reached me via mail. his. So sure about who can be “The Gothaer service Declaration” with the pressure piece number 115108 – 05.2011 is exactly Publisher of the prospectus.

It would be also the life insurance of the group besides the Gothaer insurance possible. But nowhere is. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Eric Kuby. KT – BU transition, what is that? The so-called KT BU transition describes the (possible) seamless transition from the payment of sick n up to the receipt of a disability pension. In see first General post “Hospital daily allowance and the vote on the disability insurance”. In the Krankentaggeeldversicherung, the service is provided as long as the insured person is unable to work. It is decisive that expected an improvement and not permanent impairment is present, which leads to the non-exercise of the profession.

This is no longer the State of incapacity for work, but rather the disability. Occasions the Supreme Court, the Federal Supreme Court, had to deal with the question, whether the insured person is doing now still work or already berufsunfahig. Judgments to do this, see the subcategory judgments in the download area. (c) Sven Hennig, online pkv.de what is now in the conditions at the Gothaer? In the insurance conditions at the hospital per diem rate TG of the Gothaer insurance you can find following formulations to: 15 other grounds for termination (1) the insurance relationship ends with regard to the insured persons concerned (…) (b) upon the occurrence of disability.

