Month: July 2013

Access Control

July 26, 2013


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Monitoring during the 2010 services security guards has been the most demanded service in the directory of security companies. Soloseguridad.NET currently has more than 2150 registered companies, which offer services of surveillance, security cameras, fire detection, and any service related to security. Monitoring services receive the greater part of the portal applications. As previously mentioned, security guards received 22% of requests, security personnel 10%, Access Control and escort 7% respectively. In total, 52% of applications for security go towards works related to security personnel. Since it is a profession with high demand, the State has scheduled 7 calls for selection of escorts and security guards.

These calls are to perform physical tests and are held in some cities in the State. Madrid and Barcelona have been the two provinces with more requests. This is mainly due to these two provinces grouped most of security companies registered on the portal. Within the directory, there is a section with security offerings. Discounts can be found in installation of alarms and CCTV, special promotions of security and any offer that the companies want to publish. Source: Press release sent by jujuy.

Promotional Logistics

July 25, 2013


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Gupost, direct and promotional Marketing solutions specialist and carrier Celeritas have just signed an agreement to join forces within the promotional Marketing. Through this agreement, Gupost organizes and provides the material of your promotional campaigns and Celeritas will pay for transportation and final distribution, with deals both on-site and through the network of collection points that work, reaching in brief, a thousand points thanks to the agreement signed by the carrier with the National Federation of mixed receptors (Fenamix). The objective of this Alliance will be to offer integrated solution for campaigns of direct marketing, promotions, etc. Thus Gupost/Celeritas services will be oriented to provide an integration of different channels in a single interlocutor with own means: graphics solutions, mailing, data bases, outosourcing, logistics, b2b/b2c tranport, etc. Gupost has a staff of 700 employees, offering comprehensive service with different Multi-channel communication tools, offering services from advice on the multichannel strategic approach, analysis and processing of databases, design, graphic arts, Mailing, printing online, capture data, document management, Contact Center, studies etc. It has a presence in 17 provinces with more than 35,000 m2 of warehouses. For its part, the company carrier Celeritas is recently developing its activity in e-commerce, giving service to various online outlet stores.

Services Onsite

July 20, 2013


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Looking for a little information, can give us account that in Chile, over time also has been increasing the frequency with which people seek services through the internet, mainly through the big search engine Google, in this case us started to search for the terms most relevant search with additional A Domicilio. Here a short summary. For example, we can mention that within trends it adjourned at home been searched 165,000 times in a given period, Chinese food to address 4,400 times, same as Suchi on-site, East already now, popular and delicious oriental preparation. Meals and typical preparedness as meals Peruanas, Arab, Italian meals, also accused Google, that of little also enters the common menu of Chileans. Contrary to what one might think, fruits and vegetables also presents a high margin of searches, with at least 12,100 queried results.If Sr .there companies that deliver fruits and vegetables at home. that comodo does not! We cannot fail to mention the terms related to repairs, installations, or teachers to Address, such as Gasfiter with 8.100, google searches, and the word plumbing with 4,400. Toilets, and cleanings, companies are not left atras.mostrando a good level of searches in the last time.

On-site services, such as classes, private classes on-site, also recorded increase, especially in Santiago.Pero apparently, gradually becomes more normal,(seguramente por el ritmo actual de los chilenos), ask for this type of services, insurance that will be of great help, especially when we have recommended, any company in particular, or a nearby already has already tried certain products from any company. Perhaps it is not rich to enjoy a rich pies warm Sunday morning, and without moving from your bed! We have no doubt that the trend is on the rise, and in regions, is not to lack these services private individuals or professionals, Delivery or meals at home, but that apparently, there are companies which must take care having good information to the public, on how to locate them, where they are, as I call them, offering, which days and at which timesIf they did well, surely aumentarian significantly their orders. The other day a friend told me that he saw pass a car guy with a girl also that said propaganda, something so, repairs to glasses on-site .that was what scope to see told me, I neither knew that existia that microenterprise provided that service commented.., well maybe someday achieve cross with, at a red lightin order to record the data and be able to call it, maybe happen… There is demand for the in-home services, every day more, and that is good for the economy in general, and of course it is good for the companies that offer these services at home, but you must dare, to notify their services, today publish portal dedicated exclusively to satisfy the demands of these on-site services, dan ease that any company large or small, workshops and private individuals can have advertising within reach of everyone and so, to reach to more people, to more public than this searching on Google. We leave you with a recomendacionwww.serviciosaldomicilio.

Mariano Malomo

July 10, 2013


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They must choose the option to Start or Install Ubuntu. It took a few moments to load the system from the cd and it will magically appear Ubuntu desktop. Once loaded you can use the system as if installed estubiece, with some limitations of course. It also has to take into account that it is likely that you feel slow, since is not installed and read from the cd, which once installed on the disc is very fast. Enough? Good look for the icon that says Install click double click and let’s start with the installation. 1. The first step is to choose the language.

If the Spanish chose in the Welcome screen, just press forward (? does forward?). Otherwise select?Spanish? in the list, and follow. 2. The following is choose the timezone. Simply click on your area, and then the city.

In the case of Argentina: press on Argentina and then on Buenos Aires. Easy! 3. The next step is to choose the type of keyboard. If everything goes well, and does not have a strange keyboard, you should be already selected. Make sure that this is so by typing in the text box that is in the bottom. Press some keys specific, such as N, and some symbols to make sure everything is where it should be. 4. Who are you? In the next step the installation ask your data. His real name, and username. For example, the actual name could be?Do Mariano Malomo?, and username? Marian?. Then choose a password, and the name of the computer. You can leave that do does by default, for example? mariano-laptop? or? mariano-desktop?. Next! 5 Caution! The next step is the more delicate. He is tell the installer where to be installed. Be sure that chooses the correct option, or could format a partition not desired.

