Month: March 2011

Repairing an Old Office

March 29, 2011


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Repair of an old office or move to new premises – without exaggeration, the hardest test for any company. Dirt, dust, noise – this is not a complete list of the inevitable problems that are charges for future comfort respectability. But the main loss, of course – this time! Every day spent on the repair or rebuilding, dealing a severe blow and the firm and its clients. Slows or even stops the current work, break down time, nervous employees and management Is there a solution? The easiest – not to repair the premises at all. However, such an approach, although it does not waste time and money and could harm the image of the company: ragged walls and ceilings often talk about the state of affairs to eloquent advertising brochures and expensive furniture. And on the fruitful work in poorly-designed and uncomfortable office can not speak. Only one thing – Repair conduct, but so that time loss was minimal and the maximal effect. How do you do it? In this short review, we will try to answer this burning question.

Floors: a reliable foundation course, one of the most time-consuming and expensive procedure for any repair is the device of the sexes. On the value of their share in the total estimate is 25-30%! Ideally, the old flooring must be open, do the leveling cement screed, and only after plank of this new cover. It is very heavy, dirty, and, most importantly, many operations that threaten to completely paralyze the company.

Tournament Popularity

March 7, 2011


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A separate and very weighty component of the index of popularity of tournament – is the emergence of new participants, which in February was just four! Two robots, acting under the label, Dron, presented Yuri Chebotarev – known practitioner and theorist of mechanical trading systems, the author of a series of books and publications about robots on the Russian stock market. His system Dron1 works exclusively on the micex stock market, and Dron2 – on market forts. Introduced a new member and one of the "veterans" competition – the company Capital-IT. Speaking about the new trading robot Capital-IT Spreader, spokesman Yuri said: "This robot is a high return, which has a scheme decision solutions are very similar to that used in the arbitration robot Capital-IT Arbitrage. Its main difference – it does not hedge its position of "spot-futures on the micex, trading is conducted only at the site forts.

The absence of hedge multiplies risk strategy, but even more – profitability. Robots Arbitrage and Spreader occupy two distinct niches. Arbitrage – a risk-free low-income trading, Spreader – profitable. At the maximum risk return Spreader robot can reach 8% per day (However, there is a chance to get a significant loss). Another party – the shopping robot Tbot, created the company itcs. Robot specializes in active trading on the micex stock market. Of the robot in the company itcs told us the following: "The fast growing Russian stock market has attracted the attention of many investors, before that gave preference to bank deposits or deposit" under his pillow, "but, having followed him even a little time, it becomes it is clear that in order to succeed, you must constantly be "on the ball and monitor a portfolio. Newcomer even more difficult – how to identify entry and exit points for stocks, at what point to record profits in which – loss? Another important factor is the tension that sometimes spoil the mood and suggests the commission of improper actions, often leading to losses.

The optimal solution for many investors is mechanical trading system (MTS), otherwise – a robot. Trading robot TBot – this is quite a complex system that constantly monitors the portfolio of a dozen liquid stocks, independently determine the correct moment for buy / sell, enter into transactions – in short, doing everything the same as the professional manager. However, not subject to emotions, not asking for salary and does not go away on vacation, does not make mistakes in arithmetic and builds hundreds of plots for the day. Risk management system enables even if erroneous assumption (which is done, the ideal is not the case) to reduce losses to a minimum, and the change almost all settings – customize "under him." Thus, the robot TBot manage your capital, at the same time saves your time, which will agree, you can spend the best way, and nerve cells, which, incidentally, are not restored. " Friends and colleagues! We are open to new ideas and suggestions! If You want to share with us their ideas and experiences, or join a discussion with the creators of trading systems – welcome to our forum (authorization by the forum administrator if for some reason you unable to login, please kindly contact us at). Contest trading robots continues on the site! We look forward to new members!

