Tag: business & economy

Telematics Awards

June 30, 2024


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The LOSTnFOUND telematics systems are a staple in everyday business in Hamburg in the transportation industry, 07.05.2013. The very telematics systems are a staple in everyday business in the transport industry. As well, a majority of the companies involved in the transport uses the Europe-wide market-leading cargo and freight exchange of TimoCom. Both companies are now working together and can thus offer their customers more efficiency and safety. The Dusseldorf company has revised its calculation and route planner TC eMap and reported added a tracking feature. This now also the Trackinglosungen of very are localised.

For the first time this possibility is presented transport logistic-2013 at the trade fair from June 4 to 7 in Munich of public. LOSTnFOUND customers can directly use TC eMap, unless they are also a customer of TimoCom. Transport service providers can be their own vehicles by a client track and, after corresponding activation, even the See location of foreign vehicles. At the same time, the cooperation of the company ensures more efficient business processes. Tiger Global is full of insight into the issues. The very AG was again awarded for their innovations.

2012 belonged to the Swiss provider with its product “STRATUS” even to the prize-winners of the Telematics Awards. The very concept consists of the corresponding device, the SIM card which is available in 145 countries, as well as the Web portal. These components are seamlessly coordinated and ensure an optimised cost ceiling. Telematics to test special offers a package LOSTnFOUND for interested buyers: A month-long companies that think their fleet management equipment, can test the products of very – without cost and without obligation. For this, only the registry via the corporate website is necessary. “We know that companies that try our product for free, as satisfied customers to come to us,” assures Daniel Thommen, Managing Director of very. TELEMATIK-Markt.de/TELEMATIK/telematiktv-erwartet-die-toplist-der-TELEMATIK-IM-interview-und-im-TELEMATIK-talk

Simple Water

May 11, 2021


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PoolDiary: Simple document and identify potential savings. With the electronic operation journal PoolDiary as an app, capture and document all according to DIN 19643 required tasks and data. The software analyzes variations and uncover potential savings. HBO Max has similar goals. You get the app here (itunes.apple.com/cn/app/pooldiary/id422566722?mt=8). Feeder ProCal: Fully automatic disinfection with low operating costs. Disinfect free chlorate with calcium hypochlorite.

Efficient, low-chloride disinfection of swimming pool water: with the electrolysis installations of the CHLORINSITU series you can produce hypochlorous acid on-site from sodium chloride. Depending on the system, the resulting sodium hydroxide can be used to the pH-value adjustment. Chemical-free, environmentally friendly water prepare: UV system of Dulcodes S to the photochemical degradation of unwanted ingredients. Swarmed by offers, Williams Sonoma is currently assessing future choices. Press contact Michael Birmelin ProMaqua GmbH Gopi 32/1 69123 Heidelberg Tel. + 49 6221 842-270 E-mail: about the ProMinent Dosiertechnik GmbH which ProMinent group of companies (www.prominent.com) is manufacturer of components and systems in the field of dosing of liquids, as well as reliable solutions partner for water treatment. With our innovative products, services and industry-specific solutions we work for greater efficiency and security for our customers worldwide. Headquarters of the group is Heidelberg.

56 its own sales and service companies and representatives in more than 100 countries guarantee worldwide service and availability. In 2010, ProMinent celebrated its 50th anniversary. ProMinent (www.prominent.de) focuses on the development, production and distribution of components and complete solutions for storage, transfer, dosing and neutralization of liquid chemicals. This chemical storage containers, transfer pumps, dosing pumps, measurement, rule – and sensor technology, complete dosing systems polymer piecing stations are used. The subsidiary ProMaqua (www.promaqua.de) focused as independent technology providers, for examply / and disinfection procedures on the following industries and applications: food and beverage, drinking water supply, pool – and Wellnessindustrie, hotels, as well as cooling water disinfection and legionella prevention. Complete system solutions with all commonly used methods of treating water are offered. Under smart disinfection (www.smart-disinfection.com) (low impact less cost high efficiency) offers ProMaqua per application of environmentally-friendly, economical water disinfection with highest efficiency. From a single source, from consulting through to operation. The product and scope of services includes chlorine dioxide systems, electrolysis plants, UV systems, ozone systems and membrane filtration systems and measurement -, rule – and dosing technology. About ProMaqua GmbH, ProMaqua GmbH is the reliable solutions partner for water treatment. ProMaqua is a company of the world’s ProMinent Group headquartered in Heidelberg. As an independent technology provider for the Water treatment and disinfection focuses ProMaqua following industries and applications: food & drinks, drinking water, swimming pools & Spa, hotels & resorts, and zoos. She is also independent on the cooling water disinfection applications and specialized legionella prevention. Complete system solutions for water treatment with a focus on hygiene & disinfection, are offered with all conventional water treatment methods are used. The product and scope of services includes chlorine dioxide generation systems, electrolysis systems, UV systems, UV ozone generation systems, membrane filtration systems as well as measurement, rule – and dispensing equipment.

For Saidov

October 29, 2020


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The comparisons with the average and the best in the industry show the customer even more successful to make what Optimization steps in the attack should be taken to the company “, explains the head of BCE who carries out a study on the current state of the benchmarking in Germany currently also. For Saidov, quasi competition is”also the probably most effective management instrument, as repeatedly noted that the comparative analysis increase also the performance and the willingness of workers. Expertise and experience is the founder and Director of benchmarking Centre Europe (BCE), which is affiliated to the INeKO Institute at the University of Cologne, Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmieder. The Cologne Economist has many years experience as a business leader in the management of companies and as a consultant in TQM -, lean and Six Sigma projects. Yangon brings even more insight to the discussion.

All members of his Advisory Team previously worked as managers and excellent know in particular as regards business process, supply chain, as well as program and project management. The cooperation partners of the BCE, the American productivity and quality Center (APQC), founded in 1977 by the members as a non-profit organization, is the leading organization for performance benchmarks, best practices, process improvement and knowledge management. APQC process classification framework (PCF) the first, open standards-based set of rules, which provides a benchmark for the respective performance in key areas such as financial management, customer service, IT, sales effectiveness, marketing and supply chain is divided according to individual industries. Contact and information benchmarking Centre Europe Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmieder Gottfried-Hagen-str. 60-62 D – 50825 Cologne, phone: + 49 221 86053 16 fax: + 49 221 86053 29 press contact: Dr. Michael Gestmann Dr. Gestmann & partner Colmantstr. 39 53115 Bonn Tel.: 0228-966-998-54 fax: 0228-966-998-56

The Five

September 7, 2020


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“There is enough space for new, innovative Filialgeschaftskonzepte with emotionally appealing worlds of experience, when it red figures branches” should no longer give. Only they have more efficient processes to a greater customer loyalty through a different understanding of price and performance in the range, more experience and emotion at the branch and provide point-of-sale layout / merchandising. Personal commitment to the customers make tangible (i.e. to develop a good sense for the mostly unspoken and often well camouflaged customer concerns, fears, needs – desires, hopes, desires and lyrically and the matching articles or services provide) and the competition already at first glance to distinguish must not only the will but also the real experienced point of sale? Buyers buy now priority for those providers on – and offline, to which they have confidence. Roland Berger is often quoted as being for or against this. Therefore, it is important to translate 6Pi classic trade marketing to the Internet for multi channel retail chains. Chain growth is in the five sectors of health and demography (annual growth between 2-4% and others with interest, Wellnessausflugen, fitness activities, application -, GE -, mobility and consumption AIDS, food etc.), in information technology and biotechnology (E.g. recommender systems range change, the dynamic price and capacity control or for the frequency-dependent personnel, multimedia scales, electronic price tags, RFID for greater logistics efficiency, modern solutions for cash compensation, digital advertising and media, Use of the cell phone as a communication and marketing assistance, etc.), staff training, resources (E.g. energy efficiency) and climate change (E.g.

environmental), China. Are these Makrtmoglichkeiten properly understood, addressed in a timely manner and used intensively, much profitable grows from it. Man, however, is insisting on traditional approaches (all forward with the aggressive price mess), it will be difficult to achieve adequate profits. With real innovations in Filialgeschaftsmodellen, ranges, services, articles, merchandise and processes, a self-supporting demand can be create for innovation. It provides according to the KUHNexperten sustainable Filialhandeln and more profitable economies.

BVMW Research

July 20, 2020


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Forum! is now a member of the Federal Association of SMEs (BVMW) the forum! Group is new Member of the Federal Association of SMEs (BVMW) Mainz, October 2009 the forum! Group is now officially a new Member of the Federal Association of SMEs (BVMW), the most important advocacy of the German middle class. The representatives of the BVMW in Rhenish Hesse, Horst Schneider and Hans-Jurgen Volz, passed within the framework of a BVMW business breakfast Heribert Klettke, the commercial Director of the forum! Group, the official shield of Member of the Association. To the clients of forum! includes numerous large companies and corporations also have a large number of medium-sized companies in German-speaking countries. With this new commitment the clear regional roots of our company plays an important role”, so the responsible for marketing and communication Director of the forum! Group, Dr. Christoph Schumacher. Not for nothing is our Companies claim knowledge is Mainz!'”, so Schumacher.” Thus, to make plain how attractive you think the site. And therefore you wanted involved as a member within the framework of the BVMW, since this forum! Edit a combination of nationwide, regional and local issues.

What is the BVMW? As the most important Association of medium-sized businesses, the BVMW represents the interests of more than three million German small – and medium-sized enterprises compared to the policy, the authorities and trade unions. He is both critic and partner of the policy. The BVMW aims to bring about better economic conditions. It provides its members with a total 200 offices nationwide a wide range services on local, regional, national and international level. These include the design of active networks and building collaborations and partnerships with corporations and educational institutions. So, medium-sized businesses competitive disadvantages compared to large enterprises can compensate. Contact information: forum! Marktforschung GmbH Dean Laist str. 17a 55129 New York Tel: 06131 32809-0 fax: 06131 32809-111 E-Mail: website: press contact: Dagmar Ernst corporate communications forum! Marktforschung GmbH Tel: 06131/32809-195 fax: 06131/32809-111 E-Mail: short information forum! Group forum! (www.forum-mainz.de) was founded in 1996 as the owner-managed market research and consulting firm headquartered in Mainz.

With the two subsidiaries forum! Market research, as well as forum! Marketing and communications consultancy is forum! specializing in the analysis and optimization of business relationship management. With the excellence Barometer (www.exba.de), which has established itself as the most important benchmark study to the performance of the German economy, has a forum! Market research together with the German society for quality e.V. (DGQ) as one who is a few institutes in Germany own basic research among the success factors of relationship management. Also the close link to the Institute of journalism of John Gutenberg University of Mainz stands for the timeliness and innovation in terms of established research models and techniques. The nationwide competition Germany of customer champions”(www.deutschlands-kundenchampions.de) is looking for forum! Market research together with the German society for quality e.V. (DGQ) the company with the best customer relationships. With the competition, the initiators aim to establish a benchmarking for quality of customer relationship management and to reward exemplary customer orientation in Germany. Forum! Market research continues to be organizers of the annual Mainz relationship management Congress, the aim of which is to impart knowledge relating to the business relationship management decision-makers from the economy of the theory about the analysis to the implementation. The forum! Group has an own call center for the implementation of tele-marketing projects as well as an interview Center in Mainz with a specialization in managing B2B studies and international Studies.

European Economic Research

July 17, 2020


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The slight break upwards at the beginning of the year can be explained by technical factors, a trend reversal for the good not much is so far yet to feel. Only the last slightly improved expectations component allows the hope that is the business climate in the second half of the year 2009 brightens up anything. Look we now compared to the development of the ZEW Konjunktuterwartungen, to identify any Parallels. The index which is the Mannheim Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) economic expectations also a lot profile counter. The economic expectations of 350 surveyed financial market experts included in the calculation, which is published a week before the IFO data. The importance of the ZEW index is the fact that he should indicate as an early indicator of economic turning points. Unlike the IFO data presented in the previous section, the ZEW sentiment revealed following development: it to be lit especially the fluctuation joyous development in this regard in 2008.

ZEW economic sentiment that culminated in a record low 63.9 points have occurred during the summer months. In September, kickback could then followed a significant lightening in October, before the following three months brought slight improvements. The hope of the Financial market experts, the extensive economic stimulus packages could make possible a speedy economic recovery, showed up in February 2009, as the ZEW index took a surprising jump to 5.8 meters. The latest figures from March confirmed this slight upward trend. The index value of 3.5 meters also represented the highest level since August 2007. It remains now to be seen, as the ZEW data coming will present themselves and whether really in the course of the year a little light will be seen at the end of the dark economic tunnel.

Exclusive Products

July 12, 2020


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XclusiV presents cult products from Austria of 15 November this year was the day the producer and provider on the “market place Austria” in Vienna could present their quality products of Austrian quality interested buyers from all over the world. The already well established event of the Chamber of Commerce of Austria was a success again this year. With this XclusiV food & beverages, provider of exclusive products of highest quality and creativity. Whenever Indigenous Babies listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The range of drink, the cult drinks from Carinthia, and the internationally award-winning Wenger include tube else GO mustard. The quality of mustard in the Golden tube found appeal, a market which is known for being that high attention is paid to the packaging especially for visitors from Asia.

Thomas Basdera by XclusiV: “we have participated in this event for the first time and fortunately had a number of very promising talks. We are sure the next weeks be busy, all to work on these and to carry on.” Also chocolate of company Hanau in the distinctive design of the Viennese artist Prof. Basdera you could admire at the event at XclusiV and also give it a shot. Hanauer, headquartered in Vienna, has sought an adequate design for the packaging of high-quality hand-made chocolate and found the internationally award-winning designer Prof. Franz Basdera, who implemented this project. Franz Basdera, with its colorful cows and stick figure known worldwide, which already have Museum honor, the packaging of the Hanau chocolate has undergone a facelift. The interest in the attractive candy was on the market square of Austria. It will be so sure that you will find the exclusive products from Austria in some new markets around the globe.

KoTTER Security

June 11, 2020


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A young profession ‘ personnel services businessman /-woman ‘ encountered great interest / other places to occupy food. Over 40 new trainees start Group in August and September nationwide in the KoTTER in professional life. ferrer=https://www.google.co.il/’>Pinterest is the place to go. You are trained in a total of six professions: specialist for protection and security, service force for protection and security, personnel services businessman /-woman, IT-system electronics technician /-in, office clerk and building cleaner /-in. Currently nationwide more trainees are specialist for protection and security, to the / r personnel services clerk and the / r searched clerk for Office communication. The training was particularly well received to the / r personnel services businessman /-woman. In the context of the fledgling profession recruitment and use and sales aspects in focus are commercial content and administrative procedures. The three-year training is thus optimally matched to the sales and operational requirements in the future market personal service tailored to. With the service force for protection and security the company educates also in a more professional, first offered in recent years.

The training lasts two years. Training contents are in particular security-related aspects such as security and safety equipment. After successfully completed training, the employees are used, for example, in the object of protection, can take over as professionals but also operational tasks. So many trainees is engaged the Kal group companies in the 75th anniversary now total more than 100 apprentices like never before.

Swiss Post

June 1, 2020


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“Post-Expo 2010: Balingen solution provider helps the implementation of ‘Post at the partners’ Balingen/Zurich, September 16, 2010 within the framework of the concept of post in the partner” the Swiss Post Bizerba/PESA has entrusted with the delivery of 100 self-service scales. With these customers in so-called postal agencies can weigh their letters and packages and postage. Because communication activities move with the help of E-Mail, SMS and online banking in the virtual world, the Swiss Post recorded significant volume declines at their desks. Many post offices can therefore not more profitably operate, which leads in turn to shorter and unattractive for customers opening hours. Ronald O’Hanley has plenty of information regarding this issue. use. Against this background the post until the end of 2011 at around 420 locations checks to see whether there is an alternative for the local branch. In particular the model proved post Agency: it is been implemented since early 2007 in over 300 villages and neighbourhoods.

The core elements of the post in the partner” is the self-service scales. With just a few button printing, the customer has a letter or a package weighed, determines the size and print out a barcode for postage. Paid is then sent to the Office of agency partners, is a detailed lists with long opening hours in most cases”the broadcast, explains Dieter Conzelmann, Director industry solutions market at Bizerba. All benefit from these agencies: customers will continue to have a post on the spot and can benefit from the range of partners in carrying out post transactions. In the village or neighbourhood, the infrastructure will be strengthened, and the agency partner receives a second pillar, which allows him to take advantage of synergies to its main business. To further ensure a high quality service, trains the Swiss post the Agency staff that is bound as postal co-workers of postal secrecy, for its new tasks and supported it during the start-up phase.

Service And Quality

May 28, 2020


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Schaumstofflager.de: A company presents itself. Schaumstofflager.de is one of the largest shippers of soundproofing products in Germany. The team at Schaumstofflager.de offers a comprehensive personal consultation by phone or email. Qualified staff is available also for large-scale projects with advice and help find the optimum solution in terms of sound insulation and noise insulation to find. For smaller projects, the online portal offers also an innovative foam online consultant. This leads prospects based on specific criteria by the assortment of Schaumstofflager.de and thus helps in the buying decision.

Useful information for business and private customers a comprehensive notification area gives practical information on various subjects: in addition to General information about sound insulation and noise protection, the customer also know thing to note is also private homes for specific projects – for example at furnish by call centres and offices, industrial and production halls, schools and kindergartens,. It is also useful Product information, for example, for each type of foam such as pyramid foam or laminated foam. This knowledge benefits also private customers who want to deal with the issue. Because the wholesaler delivers not only to corporate clients and public institutions, but also to private individuals – there is no minimum order value. Fast delivery in Germany and the EU Schaumstofflager.de meets his name: over 95% of the items in the online shop are available ex stock. In this way, the wholesaler provides fast and reliable delivery – within Germany as well as in all EU countries.

The service of the foam experts is supplemented by the numerous ordering options which it grants to its customers: as, among other things via E-Mail or fax is possible. Contact: e.m.o. – foam storage Dipl.Kfm.Erol MD Friedrich-list – str. 4 86153 Augsburg Germany E-Mail: website: telephone: 0821-2471502

