Urban Mobility

February 9, 2018


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In 2009 the automobile industry beat to historical record of production and sales, mainly with the reduction of the IPI. The sales had arrived the 3,2 million units and grew 12.8% in relation the 2008.In Brasilia, June of 2009, 10 a thousand units in the month had been vendidas. It knows what it is this amount of cars entering in already combalido transit? It imagines the other great centers? Now in 2010 the perspective is the same one. The 2009 are esteem until growth in relation. Alavancado in the credit and the income improving the povo goes the purchases of the new car.

Despite with ' ' spreads' ' criminals of some financiers, exist cheap options and motivate the purchaser. Zero of entrance and financing in up to 80 months I already vi. The economy is thankful, the automotiva industry is strong, its force is good for generation of job and income and for the government taxes, they do not forget that we are the campes of the globe in tributes, in the vehicles then, nor if it speaks. But everything this has a perverse side. urban support is engaged, the cities goes to be obstructed. Beyond the inconvenience of the congestions and the loss of time of all (one remembers that time is money), still we have the serious problem of the pollution, sio of what many imagine. I do not only say of the effect greenhouse for Co2 of the fuel, but the pollution saw material and emissions particulado.

They see the numbers of Brazil. Source: Denatran 2009 – Total of vehicles: 58.506.136. The main cities: So Paulo: 6.105.954? Belo Horizonte: 1.205.415? Rio De Janeiro: 1.932.327? Curitiba: 1.181.551? Brasilia: 1.138.005 More given on the problem: The main pollutants emitted for vehicle. Total particles in Suspension (PTS)? Inalveis particles (PI)? Smoke? Enxofre dioxide (SO2)? Nitrogen dioxide (IN the 2)? Carbono monoxide (CO)? Ozone (O3) Main impacts of the atmospheric pollution for emissions to propagate: Respiratory device: bronchitis, enfisema, asthma and cancropulmonar; Plants: they attack leves, these they fall, they diminish the photosyntheses, breath and perspiration.

