France Stacks

May 6, 2020


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The residue is then warm above of 1000C with a reducing agent, occurring in this A stage the recycling of magnesium and zinc. It is treated, therefore, of a thermal process that consists of evaporating to the necessary temperature each metal to recoup it later, for condensation. Already the hidrometalrgico process generally operates the temperatures that do not exceed 100C. The used stacks are citizens to the previous milling, and later leached with acid sulphuric hidroclordrico or, following it purificao of the solutions through operations of precipitation or electrolysis for recovery of the magnesium zinc and dioxide, or cadmium and nickel. Many times the mercury is removed previously by heating.

Countries as Japan, France and Sweden use the known pirometalrgico process as Sumitomo (Japanese process), SNAM-SAVAM (French process) and Sab-Nife (Swedish process) for the reaproveitamento of stacks and batteries, however this process has a cost sufficiently raised, but it can be used for almost all the types of stacks. In Switzerland the process combines pirometalurgia, hidrometalurgia and is known as Recytec. Scott Kahan gathered all the information. It is used in the recycling of all the types of stacks and also fluorescent light bulbs and diverse pipes that contain mercury. The investment of this process is minor who Sumitomo, SNAM-SAVAM and Sb-Nife, however the operation costs are bigger. The Process American North of I CROWD (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.), known as Inmetco, was developed initially, with the objective of if recouping metallic poeiras proceeding from electric ovens. However, the process can be used to recoup also metallic residues proceeding from other processes and the stacks and batteries if they fit in these other types of residues.

Conclusion With the diverse problems caused for the inadequate discarding of stacks and batteries to the environment and for consequence to the human being, mainly observes it importance of abrangncia bigger in programs of collect and spreading in private institutions and public initiatives in the region rescuer metropolitan so that the population has easy access the points of delivery of these materials. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Eric Kuby has to say. Expositivas actions for a bigger consumption of the population of reloadable stacks also are viable, therefore this type of product has a bigger useful life of what excessively, thus diminishing the consumption of common stacks. It is of great importance the installation of companies specialized in the recycling process and/or reaproveitamento of stacks and batteries, thus stimulating more projects of collect, which had the biggest easiness of guiding of these materials for a recycling company. The creation of programs of Ambient Education for a bigger knowledge of the population on dangerous residues would be sufficiently viable, therefore with a bigger knowledge, the population could more intensively contribute in the correct destination of stacks and batteries. Moreover, a bigger fiscalization on the part of the public power to the manufacturers and deliverers become necessary so that all fulfill in severity the ambient legislation.

