Author: Evelyn Vaughan


February 21, 2018


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Once you put to think about what fears you paralyze and which you are fully conscious? I remember, when I was child I had him fear the dark until one day that I needed to get me in the middle of the night to go to do something that anyone could do for me, then I asked myself: and what happens to the people that it is not afraid of darkness? the answer was: they can walk in the meantime, I was paralyzed then decided to walk. We all have fears, even in our adulthood, some small and others large but fears more dangerous are those that we have not noticed, those fears seem strengths and they are not more than a trap of our subconscious mind to camouflage them in our daily living. Surely you want to be happy, have prosperity, be independent financially and emotional but if you realize that are unreached dreams you will find that it is the fear just that you love, fear to grow and to receive what others already enjoy and once from afar as privileged beings. But in your conversation you say to your friends and nearby beings I am happy, of course in general, you have fear of the unknown; is to say to ourselves, to our greatness and capacity building. When we are afraid to love it is because we have not really known or ever presented it we of a disfigured fashion.

When we have fear of the dark is because we do not really know the darkness. Maurice Gallagher, Jr. recognizes the significance of this. Can when we are afraid and don’t know why, then we have the certainty that we are facing something new or unknown and therefore that we cannot lose? If we can develop the capacity to meet us, we experience and observe all our potential, then we begin by possessing ourselves and us nothing already controlled because we are our owners and fears disappear or are reduced to the natural fears, those who alert us to protect our integrity. Let’s begin with the awareness and acceptance of fear longer than if this is denied becomes guilt but if it is accepted it becomes truth and truth frees. Then fill us with the courage to gives freedom, let’s take the fear by the neck, look at it from top to bottom, understand it, put before our eyes and observe as becoming light vanishes darkness and leaving the way free for our most desired dreams. Fears are emotions, such as anger; and as well as anger should not be suppressed, nor fear should be denied. Accept it, he got into it during childhood but now you are an adult responsible, mainly responsible for it, with dreams and desires.

Keep in mind that only inevitable death and she do not have fear. Once you free you of side fears and VIVAS, death is away and only come when you’ve enjoyed with open hands of this life that was given to us to live in big, loving with depth in freedom in gozo. Something simple (if prefer you, Council): spent part of the day to walk barefoot, not you contentes with feel the floor of the House; If you can, go to where there is ground or sand and allows your feet to have that contact is like a child runs, rie is owner of you, live!. Send me your comments and share your fears, that’s another way to let them go. Hits! Original author and source of the article.


February 21, 2018


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” Not at all clear that the action, but it is clear to pay for part of the game would have done. We now turn to tests that are advertised everywhere (and facebook again). Midnight’s curiosity knows no bounds. One would think, why do you find out through internet, on any of the heroes of Tolkien you like and change whether you your partner? This can be determined independently. Without hesitation Southwest Airlines explained all about the problem. But so tempting to spend a few minutes and read the answer that you will be given a robot.

Two popular test is offered to know the name of her future husband and the baby’s gender. Their creators without modesty say that the tests developed by research hundred thousand women in 50 countries, so they can be trusted. Well, check this out. Stupid questions (and there are about 30) and to the amazement alike. First, you ask the full date of birth, then sign of the zodiac, then your zodiac element, then offer to add all the numbers and dates of birth, etc. In other matters, asks you to select any of the playing card proposed.

It is clear that the creators of the test would not greatly bother. It is not clear – where the results of a long and complex surveys hundred thousand women. And at the end of a long-awaited: Send sms for a nominal price for the room A number of something, incidentally, the same as was guessing. If we look at the rules, then it turned out not very nice details: the cost of communication is up to ten dollars, on most of the references used double authentication. And most importantly: “By using this site, you agree not to hold the owners responsible for any and all actions, claims, losses, damages, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) connection with the use of this site If the user is dissatisfied with any Material on this Site, or any of the terms of use, the sole and exclusive remedy available to the user is to discontinue using the site. Decision to pass the test or not, accept yourself, and consequently contributing authors are not responsible for your decision. ” That’s it! PS: And no answers for their hard-earned money you are, incidentally, not get. First, you will be asked to send another sms, and then write about the failure of the system.

Process Traders

February 21, 2018


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We come to work on time. We are in to take children out of school. We disburse during the account. Indeed, there is nothing complex here. But for some traders to maintain self-control is very big deal, though other players are not worth any effort. During one of the workshops I conducted a small survey, which showed that approximately 40% of my students have difficulty with self-control. Such traders during the often experience stress, frustration, fall into a state of frustration and usually, they are characterized by poor risk management.

For those traders who can not maintain self-control, discipline – a big problem. Why do traders have problems with self-control? Why do not they complied with its own self-trading plans and rules? Constant risk and uncertainty of markets – is one explanation of the problem. If the outcome of transactions market was defined, I think almost anybody would have had no problems with discipline. If we knew that a stock XYZ will increase by 20 points in three months, then there would be nothing easier like to buy 100 shares, wait three months and sell them to profit. But as a rule, trading is not so simple. Circumstances often change.

We can never be sure what will happen tomorrow, and if we aspire to be specific, we want to stand firm on his feet firmly soil, it takes us out of ourselves, we feel anxiety start to act impulsively. We close our positions and move away from efficient trading plans. When we go to market, we do not earn a penny, but we do not risk lose money. The desire for security and the fear of uncertainty causes us to close out positions. In most spheres of our life rules are clearly defined and easy to follow. For example, if you are traveling on route with a clear day when there is no rain, and going a certain speed, then you will get from point A to point B over time without any problems. However, trade in the market like driving a car in extreme conditions, when the weather and the situation on the track is constantly changing. Today, the road might be wet, so you need to go slower. The next day she can become covered with ice, and drive will have to be careful. You constantly must change its approach to the process that your work was safe. Trade in markets, moreover, recalls driving blind, blindfolded. Therefore it is very easy to understand why so many traders are away from their trading plans. Markets are uncertain in nature, history repeats itself, only when it is repeated. In most cases this does not happen, only very experienced traders can say with some confidence when history will repeat itself. When you are working on the unpredictable markets, you're just doomed to feel uneasy. Market information is imperfect, you are imperfect, no crystal ball no one can say exactly what will happen next. It is important that you learn to accept uncertainty in markets for granted, and retain control.

Mother Nature

February 21, 2018


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Let's try to think together and answer the following questions: What every woman wants? Aspires to any man, regardless of age or social status? What is primary driven by anyone, gives his life motivation and aspiration? Some will say that it is money – and they're right. Others respond that the desire for comfort and pleasure – and they are right. Response options can be set here – but the essence of them, emanating throughout the visible one and this one did not argue – the person initially seeks to realize his libido. For those who are not familiar with what it is – a little explanation. Libido (from Lat. Libido – drive, desire, aspiration) – sexual attraction, the level of which is associated with the stage of puberty, the work of the diencephalic part of the brain and endocrine glands, heredity and individual experience.

Libido (Latin: libido) – desire passion, desire, which is designed to seek pleasure. In everyday understanding of libido associated with sexual desire. Remember the words of contemporary pop songs, performed by W. Leontief "Everyone wants to love": Everyone wants to love and soldiers and sailors, and everyone wants a bride and a friend. Everyone wants to love and soldiers and sailors, only days are difficult, only our days – a blizzard. Everyone wants to love, and rightly so, because it is given to us from the very Mother Nature. We all possess a powerful force of attraction to the opposite sex, which are endowed from birth, and which is increasingly seen as puberty.

Friday Owner

February 21, 2018


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It is bitter New Year's Eve and early November, I get a contract by year's end, with a very reasonable amount of money. The problem was that the December 31 of that year fell Saturday, and that meant I was working days at the restaurant. When I called for the contract year-end, could not say that I wait to see if I could or not, the answer had to be immediately, and accept and sign the contract. This happened on a Wednesday in the first week of November. You may want to visit Maurice Gallagher, Jr. to increase your knowledge. On Friday I got to work at the restaurant, send it immediately to the local owner, I had already signed the contract for December 31 and would not be able to play that day in the restaurant and to see how solucionabamos the problem (which actually was no problem, because in those premises, never fashionable to welcome the New Year with live music, because that would also mean more cost to the owner) but against all odds, the local owner would not accept me permission.

The following week he repeated the event the owner of the premises, and told me I had to solve the problem is, I had to find a replacement for that day. Search and browse more than searching among my colleagues, nobody wanted to go to work that day and for that price a New Year's Eve night. It was two weeks to end of the year, and the owner asked if I had solved the problem, I told the truth: no one wanted to work for that price by 31 December as a local.


Construction of the roof with his hands during a plan of the roof determine the distance between the rafters is already in the planning stage is necessary to reflect on the implementation details of the roof. If, for example, between the rafters provides laying insulation between the rafters then the distance must be chosen so that the insulating material can be laid without the large number of segments (if possible, use wedges). Distances between rafters play an important role in arranging the windows in the roof plane. Anyone who can skillfully combine a window in the roof plane to the distance between the rafters, he may refuse to replace the carrier bearings embedded in the beams roof. The distance between the rafters in one meter allows even to embed a small dormer window. Tip: dormer windows look beautiful, but there are also a lot of money and time. At large distances between the rafters are required respectively, more powerful strip sheathing.

Their sizes (eg 4 to 6 cm) expects statics. What to do if not maintained the standard roof pitch? For each roofing material there is a standard pitch. Under this understand the lower boundary of the roof slope in which the coating has proven sufficient water resistance. Examples: for tiles, depending on the type – from 22 to 25 , for a flat roof tiles – 30 . If you are not complied with these boundary value, then additional measures, such as the construction of a canopy (wood paneling in the rafters).

Six Months For The Honduran Oligarchy Must Seem Like An Eternity

February 21, 2018


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Six months to the Honduran oligarchy must seem an eternity. Satan entered the heart of Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, and put his idea of betraying Jesus. Judas went to talk to the chief priests and the captains of the guards who were guarding the temple, and reached agreement with them to betray Jesus. They were glad, and promised to give him money.

Judas agreed and began to seek opportunities to be alone with Jesus to entregarloe. (Luke 22: 3 to 6) Only President Zelaya was missing six months to complete its mandate, but the oligarchy threw a blow to his government and on a dark morning as kidnapping and forcibly exiled to Costa Rica. It was a night of betrayal, in which Judas put his hand on the same plate of friendship and loyalty, messing with their perverse action. The contempt that the Latin American oligarchy feels the people of our country truly is congenital and is repeated in country country. Hordes, mobs, never tire of throwing epithets against humble disqualifying. For them the poor are just a necessary evil.

ELOs who had come to arrest Jesus were the chief priests, captains of the temple guard and village leaders. Jesus said, “Why have you come with knives and sticks, as if I were a thief? Every day I was teaching in the temple in front of you, and never was arrested. Well, the devil control you and he commanded them to do so now, in the dark.

Requiem For A Dream

February 21, 2018


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At the beginning of the XXI century the world faced with the problem, not new, but constantly growing – the drug problem. These chemicals, which for many are replaced by happiness and even life, was devoted to the many books and films. One of the most outstanding masterpieces of cinema, showing that such drugs are and what they produce – a film by American director Darren Aronofsky 'Requiem for a Dream. " First of all, the film tells not only about the dangers of drugs, but about the extremely dangerous effects on society relationships in general. Depending not only on chemicals, but also from such things as television and even the food.

Any interest which are given to the extreme, can become dangerous – shows us the film 'Requiem for a Dream. " Each character of the film depend on its own, Harry and his friend from drugs and unfulfilled dreams about money, Harry's mother – the desire to become famous and to love for delicious food, the girl Harry – from dream to become independent. All these dreams are broken from the fact that the characters are wrong ways to implement them. This way, knowingly false, – drugs. But they can not understand this: Sarah Goldfarb, Harry's mother, not even a suspicion that a drug for weight loss, drawn to her doctor, there is a real drug, amphetamine. Characters of the film step by step, kill the ability to realize their aspirations and at the same time sure that they are getting closer and closer to the realization of dream, when in fact they just wallow in their own illusions, their delays artificially created their minds have gone astray a world where their dreams can only play Requiem. The denouement is approaching, they are far from a dream, but the way back from the world of illusions and impossible dreams do not – they originally went on the wrong track, which led them to a complete collapse. The fact that the true value tampered with short-term pleasures, and is the main heroes of the tragedy of 'Requiem for a Dream', the tragedy of irreversible due to the fact that the heroes themselves are no longer able to look objectively at what is happening. For more information see Southwest Airlines. Do not give dependencies take precedence over other, Darren Aronofsky tells us in his film, because the price it all: true happiness, dreams and lives.


February 21, 2018


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Four years have passed since 13 October 2005, when a group of young men simultaneously attacked several police facilities, located in Nalchik. These events not only shocked the people of the republic, but gave themselves a pain in the the hearts of all Russians. Civilians were killed, police officers, were killed, many attackers. Even after four years from the date of these tragic events, it is difficult to reasonable person to understand what are these people wanted, that striving for. Why are these guys who were supposed to enjoy life and give to others that life, decided at the command of any forces without a murmur, and pointless to take it away from others, mostly strangers, they personally has done nothing wrong? Are still questions that probably no one has not been fully answered. Of course, the bandits sought not capture law enforcement agencies, and even more so – the overthrow of the legitimate authority. Someone trite working out the money received, and the young thugs were just used as a means of working out.

They are called to arms more. It is difficult to understand how a civilized society there are forces that can undermine true faith, to distort the truth and force to take up arms for his father and mother, brother and sister, children and the elderly. Yes, and under the banner of Islam. True Muslims have always brought justice, freedom and humanity. Religion and terrorism – two absolutely incompatible concepts, because all religions without exception, reject terror and curse.

Car Sales

February 20, 2018


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Sooner or later, almost before any question motorists about how profitable to sell cars. For some, it's just a necessary step to change seats on a new car, for others – a good reason to re-start use public transport. Sell your car, like the East, a delicate matter. In this case, there are two ways: first – to notify all your friends, acquaintances and colleagues about this good news, and second – place Ads in specialized newspapers, magazines or on websites. Each option has its advantages.

So, deciding to sell a car to somebody from among the relatives or friends, be prepared not only to bargaining "Neither the life and death", but as practice shows, in most cases, and the mass of claims in the future. Any failure of the vehicle, the motorist will be newly associated with you, and at every opportunity, you will talk about it. However, auto sales, plus familiar people – is reducing the risk of being deceived, that is, You can be sure that the buyer does not podsunet you "doll" (pack of plain paper). At the same time, familiar to you people can not just trade with you for decline in value, but also ask you to consider the option of selling a car in installments. When selling to strangers who found you on the property, on the installment plan can not be considered. The second option, place your ad on the site automarket and wait until the concerned people themselves will be pulled to you for details of your "iron horse", its history and price.

The most effective way is specialized newspapers and magazines that publish only the announcement of the sale of cars. In addition, there are plenty of websites registered on which it is possible to advertise cars with detailed Descriptions, photos, cars and your contact data. In this case, you should be careful, because apart from people really interested in buying your car, there are those who want to cheat you, having captured gotten your money or car. Options fraud in this area there is a huge amount. As an alternative, you can consider selling the car on the market. But it's not very convenient and not always effective tool. It was not always able and willing to "hang around" all day long in the heat or cold (depending on season) and not be sure that your machine at all buy.

