Wheel Material

January 31, 2013


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An important factor in ensuring efficient and uninterrupted operation bucket loaders is to improve the calculations of the strength and above all the use of sound methods of determining the loads. At This calculation must take into account a variety of operational factors and reflect the real picture of the maximum dive for all modes of truck. The proposed function for the determination of design loads based on a generalization of experimental data obtained when measuring loads in the elements loaders in operating conditions (work in open pit mining of road construction materials). Object research – bucket wheel loader weighing 12 tons, 0.7 tons of payload, and with electric wheel-rail engine of the type 1PPN5, the total capacity of two 24 kW motors, bucket capacity 0.3 m3. In the research process measured implementation efforts Loader bucket in a stack of material and lifting the bucket, the first recorded transducer installed at the site of conjugation with the bucket pushing beam, and the second sensor installed in the tenzozvenyah chain hoist bucket and boom.

Was performed more than 90 measurements of effort. If you started an ambitious construction project, you just need to rent construction equipment. To resolve this issue you will a company "Golden Age". Oscillograms for empirical formulas were treated with the method of piecewise approximation of the individual sections, corresponding to each of the working operations truck. The implementation period of the bucket from the meeting from a stack and continue until the material and stopping was divided into two parts: 1) introduction Loader bucket in a stack of material with no wheel spin, ie since the beginning of the introduction (t = 0) before the start of slipping (t = 2,4 with ), 2) introduction ladle into a stack of material with wheel spin, ie since the beginning of slip (t = 2,4 s) before stopping the bucket in a pile of material (t = 3). Based on this theoretical waveform constructed a graph of change efforts Loader bucket implementation in a stack of material. Periods on the theoretical graph coincide with periods in the trace.

