Wedding In Belgium

January 24, 2018


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Belgium – a very ancient country with a fascinating blend of old traditions with modern laws. Wedding in Belgium can be as civil as well as a religious ceremony. According to tradition – when a couple wants to Belgium announce their wedding – invitations are printed on two sheets of paper – one for the groom's family, the other – for the bride's family. These wedding invitations symbolize the union of two families, a new alliance partnership. One of the most important and long-time Belgian wedding traditions is that the bride should keep a specially embroidered handkerchief with her name. Shawl hung on the place of honor in the house of newlyweds. When getting married the next girl of the family the bride's handkerchief is removed from the site above and transferred to the new bride who comes to him as relying on tradition. Wedding handkerchief is passed from generation to generation, revered as the most important family value.

During the wedding ceremony the bride and groom sit on a large chair placed near the altar, symbolizing that the here and now they are the king and queen. After the ceremony, the groom wears a wedding ring on the left the bride's hand. Ring – a ring is known to have no beginning and no end – a symbol of unending love. At the end of the ceremony the couple perform their first kiss as husband wife already. Kiss is a symbolic act, indicating the inhalation of a new soul. Traditionally, bridesmaids pick up small coins, and when you exit the church, give them to beggars outside the church.

It is believed that almsgiving would bring prosperity to the young husband and wife. At once After the wedding the couple go on their honeymoon. In ancient times, the honeymoon – which was celebrated by drinking of a decoction honey or honey wine – lasted 28 days, the full cycle of moon phases. The honeymoon was intended to to the bride's family tried to kidnap her not back from the newfound man. Any advice on the subject: weddings

