Tag: insurance & pension

Offer Insurance

December 23, 2015


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The finance portal by son is financial advice on December 15, 2008 under the motto “simple comparisons” launched the financial comparison portal provider vergleichen.eu. One is now might think one or the other of hundreds that shoot like mushrooms from the ground already. But the portal operator has come up with a few special features, to provide added value to its visitors. You can compare only certain products, such as insurance or electricity tariffs with the most financial portals, you find a complete range of financial products at. The portal proprietor has not saved with additional information for consumers, as well as service tools, like E.g. a calculator for the commuter lump sum.

Just compare: this motto also applies to the entry of personal data. Who initially only completely anonymously and without obligation would perform the comparison of insurance or a loan from rates, can do this without having to provide any personal data. Only when a contract or request a personal Offer, as it is necessary z.B for health insurance, the user must reveal more about. Another special feature is the portal owner in terms of advertising ready: there is none! For the benefit of the user friendliness and overview does not at provider vergleichen.eu advertising almost completely. Annoying popups and ugly banner is sliding from the content, search here to no avail. There one can overlook certainly generously a couple small text ads. The online calculator work just so that even a user without expertise can make a comparison. Who still don’t come further, is not allowed also here in the lurch. The direct contact to the operator is part of the free service.

Nationwide Cities

December 21, 2015


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MS Fund financial in the first class to your destination after the huge response on that at the beginning of financial turns launched Fund before “-tour of Munich broker pools funds financial is the series of events in a new guise and under the motto MS Fund financial in the first class to your destination” continued in 30 other cities. Munich MS Fund financial “tour allows all already connected partners and prospective customers nationwide to find out about the services of the broker pools. In all questions of the participants relating to the cooperation with Fund resolved all financial. Work more efficiently conveyed neutral participants through the use of platform and a services overview of different competitors at the event. The intermediary market is still changing the agents makes it almost impossible to do without on the support of a professional broker pools.

Right here we pick up what added value on the MS Fund financial tour to show, we our partners as broker pool offer”, to Fund financial Managing Director, Norbert Porazik. Registration to the dates of the various venues free of charge under may – they-on – board be made. About Fund financial brokerage service GmbH Fund financial is one of the largest independent financial broker pools in Germany. The Munich company was founded in 1996 and offers comprehensive services for free brokers and multiple agents. Managing Directors are Norbert Porazik and Markus Kiener. Commission revenues were in 2008 more than EUR 70 million. The company has 82 employees, 170 regional directors and over 12,000 connected broker. We will send you photos you on request. Print Please send specimen copies or link us. Press contact: Ferial Abu press officer funds financial Broker service GmbH Riesstrasse 25, 80992 Munich Tel.: + 49 (0) 89 158815-380 fax: + 49 (0) 89 – 158835-0

Bad Credit HELOC Loans

September 3, 2015


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mortgage refinance with bad credit, second mortgage loan, best home equity line of credit with HELOC or cash out refinance loans it is possible for borrowers to secure a mortgage refinance with bad credit. Both the loan finances could be used to get rid of the first mortgage loans either by way of securing credit facility or by getting cash amounts. However, it is imperative for a borrower to choose the right option that caters to his financial needs and requirements. Here is some crucial information pertaining to the uses, features and benefits provided by these kinds of loan finances. There are two ways by which a borrower can consider availing a second mortgage loan. The mortgage refinance solution that allows borrowers to utilize the additional cash built up in their owned properties is called the home equity line of credit (HELOC). A HELOC is very much similar to credit card in operational procedures.

Borrowers who could’nt withdraw money within prescribed limits and get charged for the amount of cash withdrawn. And once you pay off the money borrowed, you can reuse the credit facility granted. Usually, under HELOC loans, credit is extended for a time duration of 5 to 10 years which has to be repaid within 10 to 15 years time. On repaying this, the equity line could be refinanced for the line of credit utilize on opportunity to again the additional period of 5 to 10 years thereby granting you. On the contrary, there is another viable finance option available to the bad credit borrower for a mortgage refinance is the cash out refinance. This is completely different from the HELOC. This child of a solution, the borrower is entitled to get a totally new loan for paying off the existing home mortgage loan dues. The benefit that a borrower could derive from this child of a 2nd mortgage loan is that the additional or differing cash amount, which accrues from the paid-off mortgage loan and the new loan could be utilized without any closing costs.

Zeropercent Financing

August 20, 2015


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If car dealers subsidize loan, the customer shall pay a higher purchase price many car buyers the eyes light up when they talk about the cheap zero-percent financing at the dealer. Thus, the eagerly awaited new vehicle seems like a bargain to have become. But a zero-percent financing does not exist, neither does any other cheap loans (1.99 percent or similar). Under certain circumstances, the new owners have paid even more than necessary. If the customer pays the invoice not cash, the car dealers like to gives a credit. Lender is the Bank of the car manufacturer or an independent financial institution.

But no matter who issues the credit, no bank can offer financing, which is well below the market rate. Who gives money, must generate interest. Because the zero-percent financing is winning not the borrower, the broker that pays so the car dealers. How it works: the car dealers agreed with the Bank a special action with zero percent interest rates. The Bank sets for a price, the seller subsidized loans.

The top rate is then on the advertising sign, in reality costs are incurred at the car dealership, however. This means: the vehicle must be sold more expensive. In practice, the buyer can negotiate only a lower discount or no. First what is cheaper in the end, negotiate the best possible discount depends on the negotiation. “Try first to obtain the highest possible discount on the purchase price and not squint you on dealer financing,” advises Hartmut Schmid, product manager for the online aspect online comparison portal. “Then you should search for the cheapest credit.” Who pushed the price optimally, the dealership will give no zero-percent financing. Hartmut Schmid indicates that a low price under certain circumstances is more important than a subsidized loan, a calculation example: suppose the buyer would pay 5,000 euros at the dealership for a new car and finance 20,000 euros with zero percent, then, the credit will cost 20,000 euros. It’s a discount instead of 10 percent out a realistic value, then he can find a particularly cheap loans on the market about a comparison calculator. Currently a first-class, independent credit interest rate is 5.55 percent effectively. For this loan amounting to 17,500 euros, he pays only 18.540 euro of repayment and interest. By Toralf Richter

Wedding Loans Finance

November 16, 2014


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Wedding is a festival of life. It is the time when one s wallet is deflated. Wedding loans help the persons who require finance for marriage. Conspicuous consumption is common during any festival. It is more so when it is a wedding festival. The couple should not feel unhappy during their marriage ceremony. They should not experience financial shortage.

It is good for them to chalk out a plan about celebration of the ceremony. They should be practical when they would sit together for planning and for taking decisions on every detail. Marriage ceremony starts from the day of ex commitment changing rings and end when the couple returns after a happy honeymoon. In between the two ends are hydra-headed expenses: printing of invitation cards, hiring of a community hall, reception or grand party on the wedding evening, purchasing of wedding apparels and ornaments, hiring of four wheelers for transport activities, cost of air ticket, spending for honeymoon etc. Management of finance during this time is really difficult.

Wedding loans is very helpful for the people of the United Kingdom, no doubt. Information about wedding loans is available in the specific Web sites on the internet. The wedding couple should visit those sites and minutely go through the terms and conditions provided by several lending agencies and financial institutions. They can compare the quotes described on the sites. Since there is great competition in the financial market, they can find a favorable option befitting to their financial status. The financial status of the borrower will definitely be assessed by the lender. Actually, the lender wants to confirm if the borrower is in a position to pay back the loan amount in time. He determines the amount of loan that he wants to advance. He therefore sets the Council duration of interest and reimbursement. It is important that the borrower takes chance to have detailed discussion about this financing with the lender respectively. He got to be open to let the lender know all about his financial capacity. Wedding loans are offered in secured and unsecured variants. The borrower seeking wedding loans in secured form must provide tangible property to pledge against the loan amount. The lender can take hold of the said property if the borrower fails to repay the loan amount as per the agreement. The wedding loans unsecured form have no binding of collateral. The loan-seeker having a history of poor credit can thus secure the wedding loan, but the Council of interest will just be higher than usual. Tiffany wills author of wedding loans, if you need any child of information on bad credit loans Canada, wedding loans Toronto visit

EUR Products

May 11, 2014


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Financial products can be compared online well who wanted to compare even the conditions for fixed-term deposits or day money terms about 15 years ago, relied on financial magazines – or marched from a bank branch to the next. Regardless of that this procedure is very time consuming the conditions were already out of date then often after a short time. Today, there are any other possibilities, all terms and conditions of financial products can be compared at rest and with much transparency. Insurance products, caution is advised, since these are generally more complex advice, as many financial products such as checking accounts, money market accounts and time deposit accounts. Another advantage is the high competition of banks on the Internet, which has of course better conditions to the result for the end user.

Due by this contest outdo the banks close to the new customer actions, often there is a deposit bonus of up to EUR 100 for opening a free checking account. That interested parties should contact the on the search for suitable financial products or other checking account are, take advantage. The same applies to securities or money market accounts, also here the providers give partial high bonuses. Who is then still not sure, have found the right financial product can look around in forums or blogs. There you will receive many independent information, opinions and experiences of other customers.

Where is very important to ensure whether a criticism actually has substance – because it may also well be that the error lies with the customers, or prospects. A corresponding diversity of opinions, then gives a representative cut – which should be meaningful. Regardless of the already huge time savings – and much better possibilities for comparison, the account is very simple. You fill out an application form online, print out everything and then participate in the Postidentverfahren for your own safety. This means that you must show once briefly to the post and those who you are. It was then already, everything else is more or less by alone, if you except that each product must be filled with life – say, receipt of money -. Customer benefit is clearly in the transparency, time saving, to find the better conditions and the significantly more convenient way, to search for the product that is right for you – and also. Also, many perceive it as uncomfortable, consult personally – what is not at all necessary for these products. Changes and additions can be made then online where you should deal very carefully with your login data. If you not negligent act at this point, usually no financial damage can incur. The banks constantly trying to improve the security in the area of online banking.

House Finance

April 18, 2014


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Also in the age, dare one dream still of the homeowner who has fulfilled his dream of your own four walls with 40 years, must not despair. Later, a House can be financed? It, however, some tips should be noted. Otherwise the House financing retirement age become the crushing financial burden. Flexible home financing in the age has to finance the theme House important at the advanced age”not necessarily be deleted. Because now many companies offer flexible financing options, where the age of the customers is taken into account. Who is for example anticipate, that he does not pay off the loan until the beginning of the pension, should pay attention to a redemption rate, which may be modified during the term of the loan. Because usually the pension is significantly lower than the previous income. The rates are not adjusted to the new financial situation, they can become the enormous financial burden.

Finance House: stable interest rates for better planning security decisions are Consumers aged 50 and more years for construction funding, is it beneficial to complete a Volltilgerdarlehen. This, not only the interest are stable until the end of the contract, providing financial planning security. Who financed his house with this loan, must not deal also with the loan of a connection. This can be quite complicated in the retirement age that some credit institutions offer no loans to pensioners. Home financing: use special repayment many older consumers have also completed a life insurance policy that can be used for the repayment of the loan. But even inheritances and severance pay are to fully pay back the loan.

It is however important that builders and future homeowners in their home financing to arrange a special repayment. So, the loan of the monthly rate, can be paid off. While some providers pay for this option, it is in turn free others. The more equity the better who a House wants to finance, should of course have the appropriate capital. The less money must be borrowed, the less is the financial burden, which goes hand in hand with the dream of the House. Just online in advanced age should consider well, whether they should attempt a House funding without equity. Because that means most high rates, which must be paid even in retirement. Furthermore, the banks require usually a high interest rate if there are none or minimal own funds.

The Stress

April 10, 2014


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Protection is also more expensive, if not as in the case of the example a clerk, but a Mason wants to insure themselves. The 40-year-old pays then whopping 83 euro per month and thereby about 70% more than the merchant. The reason is obvious: who as a bricklayer on construction works hard physically, faster ill by the stress will as an office worker. Often, when a bedraggled protection is selected, there are more favourable protection. It is also important to pay attention to the duration of the contract. Because the sooner is the contract to an end, he becomes cheaper. The 30 year-old businessman in the example above pay 36 euro, so that the contract will run until the 65th birthday, there are only 24 euro, if the contract already ends to his 60th birthday, after all, a discount of more than 30%.

However create a gap of up to 7 years, until a Berufsunfahiger finally can retire then and missing during this time of course corresponding revenue, if the occupational disability insurance no longer must pay. Can disability at all meet? This is a matter of statistics. Every 4 workers in Germany will be statistically berufsunfahig. In men, there are mental illness in less than 25% of cases after investigations by best absichern.de on the subject of disability the cause of disability, women are now even well above 35%. Other main causes of disability: diseases of the skeleton, muscles and connective tissue, cancers, heart and cardiovascular diseases. And nerve diseases are often a cause of disability. When should I care disability insurance? Best as soon as possible, if you have arrived in the working life. Because you are younger, the easier a disability insurance is to get, because at a young age”most applicants have still not pre-existing conditions that prevent the conclusion or to recover the premium in the amount.

