Tag: auto & moto

Crisis Equipment

May 5, 2024


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In autumn 2008, mention of the word crisis has become fashionable. In winter, it became annoying. In the spring of annoying. Now we talk about the crisis and “how are you?” Is already a sign of bad taste and poor parenting. Nevertheless, a number of ideas, I obliged to bring to the attention of readers. This material is likely to be labeled as the impact of the crisis on the market of services for motor vehicles. Many people, hears the media, probably noticed that any fundamentally new ideas to overcome the crisis no one suggested. From article to article, from the transfer to the transfer of wise economists haired retell a modern twist of thought, known in the past century. About innovation, about the development of industries that would benefit or lose from a crisis, etc. Electron Capital Partners does not necessarily agree. They give the same survival recipes that turn into formulaic solutions. An example might be our car dealers.

Recall that a year ago, sales were up. On establishment of service for maintenance and remonstrant little thought. Client, who bought the car and confronted with the problem during the warranty period, could send anywhere (usually sent in a single, well-known all over the place ) as long as eyes are not corn. And why sellers service, all is well, apart the cars like hotcakes. But economic problems have begun, cars temporarily become worse sold. People, instead of updating the fleet, began to spend funds to maintain existing equipment in working condition. And the sellers appeared theme: if there are no sales – should be organized service, making any hook or by crook. Many clung to the “maintenance services” teeth. Engaged all in a row – engine overhaul, repair, diesel equipment, repairs, transmissions, air systems, electrics and electronics. We can only wonder and to seek answers to the questions: where to find specialists, if their training and education takes years? how to get the equipment if it costs tens of thousands of euros, and with strained money This newfangled situation the owner, mechanic and driver must be understood. Service can not be created in several months. Think who, what and why you are giving the technique for repair. If in doubt – ask for inspection remzony with existing equipment, certificates, meet with experts, make the diagnosis components. And do not believe the beautiful promises of repair in one place all at once. For external talk may be void and your money will go there too.

Analytical Agency Interactive Research Group

April 1, 2024


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The current leader – Ford – will be only the sixth (60 th). A leading source for info: Bill O’Grady. However, it is just predictions that can easily be adjusted rubles, dollars or euros each one of us – when choosing a car. After all, what seems from a distance accessible and attractive, in fact, may require constant investment of effort, time and money. Calculate and conquer avalanche growth of interest in the new machines did not make us more savvy buyers. Buying decision one or another brand and model we adopt spontaneously, often without thinking about the right choice. Tiger Global Management wanted to know more. Meanwhile, the West has long existed methods of searching the perfect car for you. In June 2006, Analytical Agency Interactive Research Group conducted a study among Moscow car owners, whose goal was to identify what criteria guided the Russians when buying a car. According to this study, the main factor, which pay attention buyers of new cars – purchase price: it is called the defining 24% of respondents.

The second most important criterion – specifications: engine power, the presence or absence of more pleasant things like lift motors or air conditioners, as well as dynamic performance car. In this case, the safety and reliability of the machine considered a determining factor in only 8% of the citizens. Build quality cars interested in only 5% of the respondents, as much pay attention to the cost of maintaining the car and its maintenance. And such a thing as money machines for subsequent resale, interest only 1% of the buyers. Campaign not quite right.

Taxi Service

May 12, 2020


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Taxis are a comfortable form of transport. Taxis are created for your comfort and speed of your movement. To call us a taxi you just need to dial our phone number and call us. Professional team happy to fulfill your order. Manager to quickly take your order and pick up the car.

Taxi driver safety minutes will give your car to a specified location manager. Taxi ensures comfort and security of your trip. For fast feed and comfort our taxi fleet has a wide variety of car brands. Just our taxi provides a range of services such as taxis for the animals. If you need to take your pet to veterinarian, or simply decide to take your pet with you, we will be happy to give you a special taxi service for transportation of animals.

In the taxi we took care of the comfort of not only clients but also their pets. In our taxi fleet, you be able to order the best and new brands of cars for business trips and meetings. Luxury cars with luxurious interior, air conditioning, as soon as possible whisk you to your destination. Reliable and professional the driver will make your trip enjoyable and easy. For daily trips in the taxi, we also are pleased to offer at least the most comfortable cars of famous brands. Our taxi will help you not to be late and be on time in any specified location. Taxis are ready to help at any time of day. We will help you make your holiday, as well as a wedding do not forget to give you the best limousines in our fleet. And for your guests comfortable minibuses. Remember the taxi is not a luxury it is just a comfortable way to travel. Call and book a taxi, and we will give you the best that we have.

Automotive Services

October 13, 2019


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Everyone knows that one of the most unpleasant moments in life are the driver’s vehicle registration. They are inevitably associated with queues, and completing, with a march from one room to another. For some, it is not inconvenienced, and other people then do not feel very well. After all, it imposes costs not only time but also the forces. Despite the fact that civilization gave to humanity a comfortable life and maximum benefits, free time people had not increased.

The accelerated pace of life, increased levels of employment contributed to the emergence of various companies and agencies involved in the solution to our problems. For many of us they are the only opportunity time to deal with all of its affairs. They help out when you want to buy a new car or a house, they will be engaged in and search and registration of transport or real estate. Some contend that Verizon Communications shows great expertise in this. Recently, binding activity has insurance of transport. This is one way to protect the interests of drivers. It guarantees the person compensation in case of an accident or an accident.

Remarkably, if a person is never a situation where have to use it, but if you had something happen, it will serve as collateral at the time of occurrence is not the most enjoyable events in his life. Self-conscious – this is one of the advantages modern man. People in a timely manner to insure your car, argue that began to feel much more confident on the road. Many, knowing that it is very important to take the right decision and bring in their life of certain guarantees. It does not take much time and does not require significant expenditure and if you do not have time, then leave this matter special agencies. In life, everything happens. Most of our days – a quiet weekday, are filled with everyday duties. Diversity makes holidays and joyous event, full of vivid impressions. This is great, but unfortunately, sometimes happen, and force majeure, cope with that, without help, we can not. Snowfall, engine failure, an accident – all this paralyzes our car and puts us in a quandary, especially when we are away from home. Evacuation Transport – a service that helps you cope with this problem. Whatever happens, do not panic! Just keep always carry the necessary phone numbers.

Safety Standards Easily

March 21, 2019


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Can you drive a car without a hand brake, with run flat tires, broken headlights? Theoretically, perhaps, yes. Source: Kevin Plank. And without an engine? What a silly question, you ask. And it is not stupid, because the staff of the Lviv traffic police, after examining (Or test) is such a car ZAZ-968 1985 release, safely given to its owner tehtalon and recognized the state inspection passed. On a similar experiment decided activists of Ukrainian Public the organization "Civic position" within the campaign "Cancel inspection – to cancel requisitions!". If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Kevin Plank. The purpose of the action – to prove the absurdity of forced public inspection procedures. Before examining the car, which is already that was clearly not "on track" and pulled the engine yet, "tehtalon" was received.

Not hard to guess that at such a positive result "inspection" has affected a certain number of crisp colorful papers. Thus, tehtalon received, the inspection performed, and the cars can not drive. Therefore, in the presence of the press and public activists "citizenship" given the ill-fated gai Lviv, where the wreck has been recognized technically sound. Each car owner knows very well that the next gai always revolves-spins are many companies and firmochek ready for a very specific rewards do (read – fake) tehtalony on a car in any condition. Disappointing conclusion: the money would have been, and inspection, then certainly will. But more and more terrible. Even passed through official channels, inspection does not always guarantee an objective assessment is technical state of the car. Traffic police are more concerned with the availability of documents, not whether the car wanted, whether paid fines and fees.

And as far as working, and is therefore safe, the car – it let the subjects of interested in farming. That would be funny if it were not so sad and hurt. It's a shame, especially for the police. Does not matter that the Ukrainian, it is flesh and blood of the Soviet militia, which, unfortunately, is not a secret, more than state of the car, interested in the state of the purse of the owner.

Piston Oils

June 25, 2018


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Most all-season oils are produced by a low-viscosity thickening the basis makropolimernymi additives. Larry Ellison spoke with conviction. On the composition of base oils engine oils are divided into synthetic (prepared by chemical means), mineral (obtained by distillation of crude oil) and partly synthetic (a mixture of mineral and synthetic components). Motor oil in the engine performs multiple functions: reduces wear, friction between engine parts and protects them from corrosion, cleans, maintains a product of incomplete combustion of fuel and wear and tear, seals the clearance between the piston, its rings and cylinder, etc. Unlike synthetic oil from a mineral? The difference lies mainly in the molecular structure of the base (base) oil. In the production of synthetic oils 'built' (synthesized) molecules with predetermined, optimum performance characteristics, synthetic oils, in contrast to the mineral have a maximum thermal and chemical stability. Chemical stability means that the work of synthetic oils in the engine with them there any chemical reactions (oxidation, parafinizatsii, etc.) that would impair its performance. Thermal stability means maintaining the optimal value of oil viscosity in a wide temperature range, which means easy and safe engine start in the cold, while the maximum engine protection in its most high-zones when working at high speeds and loads. Thanks peculiarities of its molecular structure, synthetic oils have higher yield and penetrating ability. In its basic qualities of mineral oil, synthetic yields, however, it is thus much cheaper. General requirements for motor oil motor oil can be long and reliably perform their functions, providing a specified life of the engine, only strict compliance of its properties to thermal, mechanical and chemical effects that oil is a lubricating system of engine and on surfaces lubricated and cooled parts.

Motor Oil Myths

June 15, 2018


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Myth 1: Do not fill in a fully synthetic oil in the engine, whereas before there had been flooded with mineral – it will curdle. Not true. Modern synthetic oils based on polyesters and polialfolefinov safely tolerate mixing with the mineral, semi or other fully synthetic oils. The only exception – synthetic motor oils on the basis of glycols, which are no longer manufactured (glycols in the car used now only as a component of antifreeze). Myth 2: Before pouring the new oil must be washed with the engine, such as spindle oil. Not true. Completely drain the oil from the engine can not: tire about 10%.

The rest of the 'wash', mixing with a new one (especially a good synthetic) oil, can unbalance an additive package. Therefore any 'flushing' when changing the oil used does not need! In the extreme If you simply reduce the interval before the next oil change (up to a value-depends on the contamination and the type of 'old' oil and engine). Myth 3: You can not fill synthetic oil in older engines, you can spoil engine. Not true. Synthetic oils can be poured in today's engines, as well as in older. However, the modern synthetic oil has good detergent properties and is able to wash away accumulated in the engine deposits. These deposits can clog the engine lubrication system.

Also, cleaning old and has already lost its elasticity seals, oil flushes sediment from the gap and cause 'leakage'. That these effects were the basis of this myth. To deal with them easily, after the transition to 'synthetic', the first interval until the next oil change should greatly reduce and replace all the seals are leaking. Myth 4: If you add a good synthetic oil Additional patented miracle additive, it will work even better. Not true. Do not do it! Oil producers spend tens of thousands of hours of lab experiments, 'rolls' millions of miles on the motor booths, picking up and balancing the additive package. Any addition of any substance may disrupt this delicate balance, and the best oil just lose some of their properties. And at worst, may form 'clumps', contaminating system of engine lubrication. Myth 5: The color and smell of oil can determine its quality. Not true. Organoleptic methods to determine the quality and composition of the oils can not. And the taste of it better not even try-in may include quite toxic components. Myth 6 I want to pour the engine oil for racing Formula-1, the properties it is superior to normal, as calculated on a more stringent operating conditions. Not true. The oil that is poured into the mechanics of race cars warm up the engine before entering the operating temperature, and then 'twist' them up to redline. Therefore, oil for cars Formula-1 is designed for high viscosity and very high mechanical and thermal loads. The price of issue, in the absence of universality, as well as significantly fewer resources, a few hundred kilometers, then the oil is changed and, as a rule, along with most of the engine (or motor assembly). While the conventional 'domestic' cars means that this oil is poured into the mechanics of his car (although, of course, use the same brand). Manufacturers produce and 'racing' oil for conventional cars, usually it is sold under names like Racing, Rally, etc. usually (though more expensive). But if necessary it can be poured into engines of ordinary cars.

Where And How To Wash A Car

April 17, 2018


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Russian cities today are provided with car wash is only 30%, although the need for car wash every year is only growing. And in this area is several kinds of car washes. We distinguish them: stationary washing machines and mobile phones. Ways to wash too few: proximity, contact and automatic. Each species has its own advantages and disadvantages of them we do not talk, take a quick review of the existing car wash. Stationary sink. Construction and opening of the stationary car wash is associated with the collection of a large number of documents and lengthy bureaucratic approvals of all documentation.

A sink must approve all which can only instances and bureaucratic machine is working very, very long time, or fast and very expensive, so a stationary washing with connecting and matching is expensive and built for a long time. The advantage of this sink in that it has for centuries, if also the place chosen correctly. When a sink agreed and built, then then it works and is the subject of real estate and fixed income. She has her clients and is a permanent facility with permanent customer and revenue, which is also roughly the same from year to year. You can really increase those revenues, but this is due to additional services such as cafes, not to stand in the street or a place to see a movie, a couch coffee machine with tea and culinary products. May still be an additional service to auto-tuning, but for the lady behind the wheel can generally be put manicurist or barber shop to open. What we say about a mobile car wash is not moyku. requires the construction and connection to utilities such as the stationary scales, and long-term agreements, thus eliminating bureaucratic delays as well as reduce cost and construction time autowashing complex at times.

The main advantage of mobile car washes is that they can be installed and operated on the roads near petrol stations and service stations, near the large supermarkets, shopping and entertainment venues in the city parking lot and as a separate post in place with large concentrations of vehicles along the roads. Easy to use, require no approvals for construction and connection to water and sewer mains, a small number of staff – all this characterizes the mobile car wash. To organize your own car wash business, you only need a flat-land. Such sinks are as prefabricated and all in one. Additional information at Gary Kelly supports this article. From car washes everything is clear. But with the service in these establishments is not so. I should add that not many have our country is host to an additional service to this car wash. The biggest though you stopped to refuel at a petrol station and a car wash, and with it the same shop with 1-2 tables and a preheated pizza, next to a Motor oils wall and all that is not very cheap. If you think over all, then any complex trading must have a car wash. Would try an experiment Have you ever seen a car wash in the parking lot of cars in large shopping center? And I have not seen. And here I would really like to call the store to wash the car, to buy products or vice versa, and to come home. Doedu whether to clean the car issue, but would very much like not only to itself in beautiful clothes, but also in the car with glitter, not only in the included lamps, but also on the case.

Repair Chassis

April 16, 2018


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Eco issues and cars – the nuances of development. Chassis repairs, repair of cat cars repair Chassis actively fight for the cleanup of nature began only in the 70's, and even then not in all countries. Certainly, pollute the environment like a car, and every industry. But since the repair of undercarriage of the car, many of its industries are focused only on the transport sphere, then the work started with a clean car. Gearbox Repair During this time the cars made a lot. Emission of pollutants into carbon dioxide car engines – carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides – had fallen many times over.

Automotive repair kit, cat cars Detoxication complex developments. However, the requirements are increasing, and the system is also complicated. Is there a limit? He is not, because there is no limit to perfection. Repair Chassis Today, there are the real goal – to achieve the absence of any air pollution. Which car is under power? Only use electricity. In the chapter of such vehicles, we tried a more elaborate repairs cat cars this question and on the basis on which the designed cars of the future maintenance of the vehicle chassis.

With electric vehicles have not yet published. Not have the necessary energy source. There are hybrids, ie, cars with two power installations. They also can not fully ensure "zero", but to give temporary relief where it is keenly needed – in major cities that are choking on exhaust, they are under repair cars by Gearbox. Often this output of repair of undercarriage of the car. In our time such cars only go in the direction of the market. Often, this single model. But there is reason to hope that a few years these cars will do all or almost all firms, as they do now, minivans, SUVs or sports cars. Investments they do not burn-out – the world will be cleaner than anywhere. Of course, to say what will happen even under repair Chassis existing settlements – is not an simple. Difficult to justify anything very accurately. Here, in school we once rented a story on the question of what will be interesting in 20 years repairing cars cpr. At that time I insisted that electric cars will be the main type of transport. It turns out, was wrong However, hybrid cars are my predictions were confirmed, although it was necessary to wait for repairs ppc cars. Assist in the issue of approximation cleaner future can power country tend to suffer from a bad environment.

Car Sales

February 20, 2018


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Sooner or later, almost before any question motorists about how profitable to sell cars. For some, it's just a necessary step to change seats on a new car, for others – a good reason to re-start use public transport. Sell your car, like the East, a delicate matter. In this case, there are two ways: first – to notify all your friends, acquaintances and colleagues about this good news, and second – place Ads in specialized newspapers, magazines or on websites. Each option has its advantages.

So, deciding to sell a car to somebody from among the relatives or friends, be prepared not only to bargaining "Neither the life and death", but as practice shows, in most cases, and the mass of claims in the future. Any failure of the vehicle, the motorist will be newly associated with you, and at every opportunity, you will talk about it. However, auto sales, plus familiar people – is reducing the risk of being deceived, that is, You can be sure that the buyer does not podsunet you "doll" (pack of plain paper). At the same time, familiar to you people can not just trade with you for decline in value, but also ask you to consider the option of selling a car in installments. When selling to strangers who found you on the property, on the installment plan can not be considered. The second option, place your ad on the site automarket and wait until the concerned people themselves will be pulled to you for details of your "iron horse", its history and price.

The most effective way is specialized newspapers and magazines that publish only the announcement of the sale of cars. In addition, there are plenty of websites registered on which it is possible to advertise cars with detailed Descriptions, photos, cars and your contact data. In this case, you should be careful, because apart from people really interested in buying your car, there are those who want to cheat you, having captured gotten your money or car. Options fraud in this area there is a huge amount. As an alternative, you can consider selling the car on the market. But it's not very convenient and not always effective tool. It was not always able and willing to "hang around" all day long in the heat or cold (depending on season) and not be sure that your machine at all buy.

