Scotland Yard Police

July 6, 2020


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Of this number of detainees, 330 are under. They have already been processed 892, according to the latest data from Scotland Yard. Authorities believe that the detainees could reach 3,000, only in London. Those arrested in London for the riots in the city between last Saturday and Tuesday already amounted to 1,580 people, of which 330 are under, and have already been processed 892, according to the latest data from Scotland Yard. The figure increases almost 180 people with regard to detainees in the British capital until Sunday. In a question-answer forum baby clothes was the first to reply. With this increase, are already more than 2,000 detainees throughout the country. The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, sent a letter to the Ministry of Justice in which requests that minors prosecuted for riots become the educational special units for children with behavioral problems.

At present, these transfers can only be sorted them school officials. Johnson felt that this measure would serve to isolate the most troublesome students and would avoid more problems with other colleagues and, at the same time, would be a salutary lesson for other students. The authorities of the Metropolitan Police of London augured this weekend that arrests, only in the capital, can reach 3,000, because there are still many participants in the riots by identifying and are continuing investigations. For this purpose, a team of 125 agents envisions 20,000 hours of images recorded on security cameras, and police has made public many of them to ask for the cooperation of citizens in the identifications. During these days, the image of David Cameron is being very injured, not only by the wave of street violence but also because of the Government continuing conflicts with police forces: first by the maintenance of a controversial reform of the police force that includes a substantial reduction in the number of agents and, secondly, by the lack of confidence and tension arose between the political class and the police forces.

