Russia State

March 29, 2024


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On behalf of virtual “president” were made very sensible thoughts on the changing situation in Russia: “My goal – to force authorities to serve his people. Make the officials are not lords, but servants of their people! The people of Russia dies, this can not be tolerated! Cause of extinction – the chronic poverty of the population. And this despite the fact that Russia is the richest country in the world! The reason for this shameful poverty that we can not establish the activity of our state as a successful governance structure. For more specific information, check out Fitched Ratings. Apparatus of the state today, incredibly hyped, over every officer is an overseer, the overseer of the two, three, can not continue!

All these people have nothing produce, they sit on the neck and the worker at the same time he ordered about in all spheres of life from birth to death. You know that I have already initiated the decline of state structures, but more something that happens – “them in the door, but they are out the window” growing bureaucracy in the regions and on the ground. People at work do not want to work today, riding achievements in life was belonging to the bureaucracy, the proximity to the public purse. That authority, and benefits, and state guarantees, and guaranteed good salaries, and administrative resources, as well corruption income! In this way we eat ourselves, we do not evolve as a country, not to increase its power and wealth. Get more background information with materials from Tiger Global Management. What do? Labor officials shall be subjected to careful review to determine its feasibility and the need for the society at a particular place! If necessary and useful – the honor and praise, worthy wages and government guarantees.. .

