Prado Jnior

November 28, 2015


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But, what it calls the attention in the period Brazilian settling are the actions of povoamento forced (African indians, peoples and same of poor Europeans) in parallel to the obligatory work? servitude and slavery the principle? why according to the Prado Jnior, the European would come to these tropical lands with following the proposal: America would put to it to the disposal, in immense treatments, territories that only waited the initiative and the effort of the Man. It is this that will stimulate the occupation of the American tropics. But bringing this acute interest, the European colonist would not bring with it the disposal to put it to it service, in this so difficult and strange way, the energy it its physical work. He would come as leading of the production of sorts of great commercial value, as entrepreneur of a profitable business; but only the contrataste as diligent. Others would work for it.

(The PRADO JNIOR, 2008, P. 28 the 29) Such affirmation indicates the predisposition of the colonizador, consequentemente of the Brazilian elites, to the exploration of the man power, of the physical effort of the other? it is read later of the colonized one and of the classrooms that if they form in the social peripherals. Observing that the formation of the social classrooms suffers the consequence from the facts that if had given here, consubstanciados for chaste the dominant ones, fits to point that they were noble declining here in the Europe and rich; still, was these layers that spread, from its domnios, the external interests. The declining noblemen did not have ownerships as the rich noblemen, but compared with the people who already were here, they could thus be considered. … Richest was awardees with more extensive lots, located in the Zone of Mata Northeastern, where the ground of massap and the humid tropical climate favored the culture of the sugar cane.

