
April 23, 2019


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Bench experiments performed to investigate the possibilities and the sorption kinetics of trypsin in water, showed high efficiency of this hemosorbent. During the perfusion solution through a mass transfer device with the hemosorbents removed not only trypsin but also chymotrypsin, plasmin, acrosyn, leukocyte elastase of human, pig pancreatic elastase and other serine proteases. Study. conducted on an experimental model pancreatitis as the first clinical experience with this hemosorbent showed the fundamental possibility of correction using this hemosorbent violations proteinase inhibitor-system. Biospecific ANTIPROTEINAZNY hemosorbent 'OVOSORB' IN THE TREATMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL PERITONITIS One of the main components of the pathogenesis of diffuse purulent peritonitis (RSE) is unlimited activation of all parts of the endogenous proteolysis. A related body proteins biodegradation leads to severe protein malnutrition, and fluid accumulation in the media of biologically active products of final and intermediate metabolism of proteins. It circumstance, as well as the deepening of dystrophy, including detoxification system, contribute to the formation of persistent toxemia. In order to explore the possibilities of correction of protein metabolism by extraction from the blood of excess activated by proteases biospecific hemosorption an experimental study on the model diffuse purulent peritonitis in purebred dogs.

Weight of animals ranged ranging from 12 to 33 kg. All of them were in the normal diet of the vivarium. Diffuse purulent peritonitis was simulated under morphine anesthesia performed using thiopental by median laparotomy, mobilization and ligation at the base of the reduced process of the cecum, the intraoperative his injuries through all the layers deomentizatsii. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Kevin Plank. After 24 hours, was carried out relaparotomy, the removal process and reorganization of the abdominal cavity. From that day the animal was administered a course of infusion therapy (2-fold, with an interval of one day), which included saline (laktosol, atsesol, Ringer's solution) and 10% albumin solution. Ratio of crystalloid to albumin was 2:1. The total volume of injected fluid averaged 20ml/kg body weight.

