Organic Ginger

May 21, 2019


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If you have combination skin or dry combination skin, you should use special care products. The skin is the largest organ and protects the organism against harmful environmental influences, therefore it is exposed to many adverse impacts. Therefore every person well could not care less. She should be regularly cleaned with high-quality cosmetics and lubed up. But often caused skin problems that have nothing to do with lack of hygiene and care. More information is housed here: Verizon Communications.

Some women and men are blessed with flawless skin, others have severe problems. Usually the face skin suffers. Hormones or using incorrect care products can be responsible for the problems. Hormonal reasons can be treated only with help of a skin doctor and, if necessary, fixed. Skin problems like acne or eczema, should not be treated on their own. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Jeff Leiden. Other milder symptoms of problem can be resolved peacefully by using special products themselves. Dry and oily skin or are among the most common skin problems Combination skin. An unusual skin appearance, and is certainly very difficult to handle, dry combination skin.

Combination skin is characterized by a dry cheeks and prone to pimples and oilier T zone (forehead, nose and Chin). The dry parts need plenty of moisture, the oilier areas however, matting and balancing care. Dry combination skin is even more difficult to handle. The skin tends to pimples and blackheads especially in the T-zone, but it is dry even in these places. So, what products are right for this skin? Care products should contain alcohol, definitely not. Because alcohol dehydrates the already dry skin in addition. Often, this skin is extremely sensitive and allergic to artificial ingredients such as mineral oils and parabens. These skin types use mostly natural cosmetics based on natural ingredients. Many brands claim to produce natural cosmetics. However, you should check what ingredients are included. On brands, such as for example Dr. Hauschka, you can rely. However should always be on the ingredients, because here too: trust is good, control is better. There are only a few beauty products designed specifically for dry combination skin. In order to properly maintain the skin, it is advisable to treat the skin with gentle cleaning and moisture products. Use the best gentle cleansing milk, as well as moisturizing, but not too rich and heavy, facial creams. Definitely not the care products should contain alcohol. Alcohol is attacking the sensitive skin. In addition, the alcohol dries out the skin, which leads to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the skin greasy more. So you know however what products or what product lines you can use with combination skin, you get a short list of suitable products from various manufacturers here: example products from Dr. Hauschka for combination skin: cleansing cream, facial tonic special, lotion and facial oil skin care line with organic calendula and Organic Ginger from Lavera sample products by Vichy.

