Northern Capital

February 7, 2020


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It's an enthusiastic crowd howling, rolling into a blissful moan, it's Impression at each step, it abstraction in each suit, a light lightning ignites inside! And if you've never been there in the fiery lava flowing through the streets, if you are not dizzy from his own folly …. You mean people right and reasonable, but you just need to fool around even just once, cast off and gravity systems. Just a couple of hours to be completely happy! In the world there are many variety of carnivals. For example, in May St. Gary cohen recognizes the significance of this. Petersburg.

Usually at this time the weather does not spoil, but residents of the Northern Capital undress with a cheerful desperation. Venice Masquerade metamorphosis occur almost simultaneously with the Brazilian (starting a week earlier), but they are more mysterious and mystical, as befits a ghost town. Brazil swaying in dance, 365 days a year, but the official fun held annually for seven weeks before Easter. In 2009 it was held from 21 to 24 February. Be sure to this time, you can not solve any of their problems. Only mothers and doctors remain on the sidelines, the rest sucked into the vortex of the holiday. At the time of the carnival of Rio de Janeiro mayor gives the keys to the city to King Momo. Requirements for candidacy King are very strict, it must weigh over 140 pounds! Oh, you should see how the candidates perform belly dancing! Required the king to be a spectator 200 contests, parties and fashion shows.

