Ministry Development

November 18, 2015


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The African continent is one of the territories of course adjusted the investments in sectors where Brazilian companies already are extraordinary competitive. The continent is marked by regimes unstable, armed conflicts and other sanitary forms of violence, significant problems, and immense poverty. But, she is also one of the few natural borders still opened for the expansion business-oriented in sectors as oil, gas and mining. Africa, extensive and rich continent in diverse resources, also is palco of a dispute in global scale for access to raw materials, each time scarcer and demanded, especially due to economic ascension of China. Chinese companies and of other origins are if locating of aggressive form very in the region, searching to guarantee the steady and safe access the sources of natural resources.

Not to participate of these strategical movements can place Brazilian companies, already particularly the very competitive ones of extrativos sectors and services, at the mercy of of the run down of its conditions of competitive insertion in the world-wide market. With relation still to the Brazilian investments in the ascension of exportation from the domestic territory the Ministry Development, Industry and Comrcio Exterior (MDIC) comes acquiring increasing relevance in the prospection of new markets for the Brazilian products. Example of this is the reproduction of enterprise missions under coordination of the Ministry. Particularly in Africa, such initiatives are excellent, over all, of the point of view of awareness of the Brazilian empresariado one, that is perceiving the potentiality of the continent beyond-sea. Companies as Odebrecht, Camargo Correa, Andrade Gutierrez, Petrobra’s and Vale of the River Candy, Marcopolo that already its bus in the South Africa manufactures now and go to invest to US$ 50 million in new unit in Egypt, already they had been established in Africa or joint-ventures and partnerships act by means of.

