Galileo Vibration Training

December 1, 2017


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Back pain 30 percent have increased in the past eight years with Galileo, offering prevention helps prevent and treat muscle and musculoskeletal disorders are a major reason for absenteeism in the company. At every fifth employee, these diagnoses are the cause of incapacity for work. In addition to the costs for wages, that every employer must provide, these disorders are also a serious cost in sickness benefit expenditure of health insurance companies. Half of all sick pay expenditure accounted for the sickness cases which arise due to muscle and skeletal disorders. On Wednesday the 13.02.08 HBSN AG in the business premises in Essen presented the worldwide patented Galileo system a wide audience of physicians, physiotherapists, orthopedists, users, and neurologists. The sports scientists of the company Novotec medical, Mr. Baur, spoke about the latest research results and excellent fitness of the Galileo vibration system in the field of medical Training therapy, as well as in competitive sports. Because the Galileo vibration platform solves their stretch reflexes rocker movement”from which causes a contraction of the muscles, especially in the back.

Only through this page-alternating movement of the Galileo training, the spine is stimulated by a slight lateral tilt of the pelvis in a physiological sideways movement. Visit Facebook for more clarity on the issue. Due to this physiological stimulation of the spinal column, also the back and abdominal muscles is achieved by dieseitenalternierende function of Galileo. Also this is possible at other training platforms with pure up and down motion – so not page alternating – very limited.

