Biblical Studies

August 19, 2020


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You know that I am adventista of cradle and such, but I confess that never I had lived nothing seemed. I felt me for the first time truily as an instrument at the hands of God. Face, during thirty days I had inesquecveis experiences. It made the cult and the day morning spiritual well early, visited and gave Biblical studies during the afternoon, prayed with the families, nailed the night. I discovered dons that it had and nor wise person and others that had but did not use. friend, the best part was to testify people being been transformed by God, if delivering the Jesus, abandoning vices, reattaching marriages, being baptized.

Brother, good excessively, only blessing! I perceived that young necessary adventista all to calebear, to pass for an alive and real experience of salvation and service. The Calebe Mission is this, transformation of its life and other lives. It was a revolution in my life spiritual. You have that to try friend. there, we go to form a team with galera for the next vacations? Friend: I do not know not. I am with distrust, with fear I know there! E, moreover, I find that I do not obtain, I do not have dom as you have. (The other young strengthens the negative idea, trying to discourage it, saying that it goes to play the vacations is nailing instead of tanning and of if amusing.) Young Adventista Calebe: Nothing to see.

The God calls who you for the communion is the same God enables who you to the mission. I also felt myself thus before, but now, I do not see the hour of calebear in the next Mission. (The people of Israel ' ' descongela' ' starts to try to discourage Calebe. At the same time the young modern try to discourage the friend. Suddenly it hears voice of God) God: Until when to this it will provoke me people and until when it will not believe in me, exactly with all the signals that I made in the way of them? (Numbers 14:11) the two groups of murmuradores, old and modern, fall for land.

