The Mummy Online – The Mummy As A Browser Game

November 22, 2018


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New action-adventure with the Mummy, is a game for the browser. The game forge Bigpoint wants to publish a new title in the coming autumn. The speech is the Mummy online, an action-packed game, what suitable to be published to the film series “The Mummy”. This, Bigpoint laid the foundations for a sophisticated and graphically rich browser game for a long time. The work on the “Mummy online” is already known since the first press release in June 2010. Initially it had speculated about a publication in the fall of 2010, but now the date on the autumn 2011 has been moved. This is likely do not diminish the quality of the game, because as the latest techniques can be used for browser games.

At the Mummy online you will expect an action-RPG MMOG with adventure elements as players. The game is inspired as mentioned by the same name film series. The action takes place in the Egypt of the early 20th century, has more to do than with the last parts with the first film the movies. Players will find themselves in many familiar places and seeing the many key figures who appear in the film, back in the game. First screenshots of the game anyway, leaving a solid impression.

At Bigpoint you should have collected already have much experience with the existing browser games, therefore you can expect a lot technically and hope for a thoughtful implementation. E Scott Mead recognizes the significance of this. The development itself is carried out according to Bigpoint von Schell games. The Mummy online is the unity 3D engine to run me and allow so appealing 3D graphics without software client directly in the browser. Therefore, only a corresponding plugin for the used Web browser is required. Sometimes, this so-called unity Web Player plugin is available for both Mac and Windows platforms. In the future you might consider using is new games with such graphics with WebGL and HTML5 to develop quite neutral and totally independent. Because this new technology is still in its infancy, the unity is a good choice for technology Been game implementation.

