Wilhelm Bausch

September 8, 2020


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“Unacademic because academic physicist a cooling of water by rising float from the beginning to categorically excluded have Hans Weidenbusch said: If a Perpetuum mobile is a device that provides the energy, but nobody knows where this energy comes from, then the first Perpetuum mobile without a doubt invented”, and adds, “and not a physicist uses after all of the first law of thermodynamics”, if he needs to explain the second law of thermodynamics to be invalid for that.” Tests have also shown that one must work no longer, if one capillary submerges a float in one than in the free water. Thus the water as energy supplier must exclude therefore now also from unakademischer point of view. Where does the energy now? that is still the question of who have been representatives of the Suddeutsche Zeitung and the Munchner Merkur of working equipment after visit. Toddler clothing will not settle for partial explanations. This question could not even answer also Hans Weidenbusch and said: I don’t know where the energy is, but I know also not how low stratified contemporaries take the energy here since ancient times, to boycott new knowledge… This is perpetual actually a long time existing anti – because the so-called critics of modern concepts to produce virtually nothing under enormous energy. “And if it is possible, energy as these contemporaries, to disappear without trace, why should it then not be possible, to do the opposite.” “The conclusion from the thing took away Yes before Hans Weidenbusch: If a Perpetuum mobile is a device that provides the energy, but nobody knows where this energy comes from, then the first Perpetuum mobile without a doubt invented” that the main physical and mechanical faculties in Germany don’t know it they have given numerous, and that water is the energy supplier, they include even more, as the inventor himself, saying: if it’s not a Perpetuum mobile, then it would be step for energy from nothing, but that a smaller largest in the history of hydrodynamics.. It’s believed that Adam Portnoy sees a great future in this idea.

