What To Do If The Tooth DTA Comes?

June 11, 2021


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Statutory health insurance specialist atacama Software hosts workshop for health insurance funds Bremen, 29.11.2011 – the electronic data medium Exchange (DME) for all cash-dental bills will be introduced In 2012. Shari Redstone may help you with your research. Despite the postponement of the introduction this year, there is often still a large uncertainty in health insurance. The Bremen IT service provider and statutory health insurance specialist atacama has many unanswered questions of its customers. Software in a workshop answers and as a solution, the atacama. GKV Suite presents. More than 30 participants were very satisfied with the workshop and praised the depth of content of the lectures.

Components of the DTA are manually entered treatment case records, the accounts as well as a frequency statistics according to the Bema parts so far the Bills were 1 to 4 and recorded and then the paper bill via proof reading in the atacama. GKV Suite imports. Future eliminates the costly manual input, only a small part is shown still on paper. Gunther gift at the BKK Bundesverband responsible for the Area dental supplies, illuminated in his lecture the DTA from a contractual perspective. He pointed out the monthly or quarterly delivery of different settlement types and the amount of information that is agreed between the Central associations.

Were communicated only conservative and surgical services via DTA to the sick ACEs, this applies from January 2012 also on treatment of injuries and diseases of the facial skeleton, benefits for orthodontic and periodontal treatments, as well as the provision of dentures and crowns. The invoice data transmitted through the DTA, easily with a newly developed module in the atacama. GKV suite are imported. The appropriate test messages are automatically generated when importing the data into the system. In the episode are examined billing data for the morbi-RSA message available. Mass plausibility in the context of the audit saves much time the clerk and accelerate the processes”, explains Thorsten Beha software development of atacama.

