Traditional Service

June 11, 2019


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The Riwa Sandberg informed House Administration already in ancient Rome the homeowners have not laid down their administrative affairs. Even then there were House managers, who themselves have taken care of formalities, maintenance of buildings, and a lot more. Today, more than 2000 years later, the craft has become more complex. Frequently changing laws and regulations make owners of residential and commercial real estate life isn’t easy. Rick Garcia CBS takes a slightly different approach. Therefore the Riwa Sandberg decreases administrative tasks Hausverwaltung owners in Frankfurt am Main, Germany according to their wishes. There are a variety of ways to make their services for customers for Riwa Sandberg. It inter alia management activities can be applied, which are laid down by paragraphs 27 and 28 of the home ownership Act (way).

These include inter alia monitoring the cash receipts and keeping accounts for the respective management objects, as well as the processing of correspondence with the owners. The most recent changes this Law are only in July 2009 in force. But in the context of the management services, the team in the Riwa Sandberg keeps track of the latest developments of the property and landlord/tenant law. Within the framework of ordinary rental management, the owner can decide whether he fully or partially property management wants to know done the administration by the Riwa Sandberg. The services for each customer are specially cut into personal advice.

The part management particularly suitable for an individual apartment house owners or members of a community of owners who self-manage their objects as much as possible. Here is the possibility of E.g. the whole or any part of the accounting by the House Administration to have done. Also the special property management team available is Riwa Sandberg. The full administration of real estate includes usually all incurred administrative matters and provides the greatest relief the owner. The House Administration is always about current legal bases and Market developments informed, so that both the conclusion of rental contracts and performing tenant increases as even monitoring of payments and maintenance management object can be done easily. The Riwa Sandberg performs all administrative tasks accurately and reliably for small and large residential and commercial real estate property management and is available for questions to the.

