The Article

April 29, 2019


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If this draws attention to them, is probable that your reader by curiosity clicks in your connection and you have but probabilities that to you something buys.The final result is that it increases the traffic towards your blog or page Web. If you have other products to sell or to promote, at the end of the article there is a box where you leave your name and something explanatory, or on same you or which you promote and there you can mention and to leave to connections to that other page or blog, that is called in English " Cross- referencing" or crossed references or additional sales and in some article sites they allow you to do this. In addition you do not forget that there are many sites where you can leave your articles, you only must modify them a little as long as they say the same, then 1 article is possible to be transformed into 5 or 6 articles on the same subject that take traffic to you your blog. Ripple: the source for more info. Later you can make a compilation and to publish electronic pamphlets that you distribute between your subscribers and if you have sufficient material you can create an electronic book and sell it either to give it like bond to visit your blog or page Web. If your articles like, what has been said previously is easy to implement. Besides publishing in Web sites you can distribute, them with your RSS.There are many forms of distribution to do of your articles somewhat viral. There are two ways to commercialize your articles, to write you yourself and to hope that to people it likes as you write, that accept your style; orto contract that it does somebody it by you. There are who receive per hour, others by word there are and them that receive by written article. The pain can merit if it increases the traffic your blog or site and you sell better. If you follow these advice, it will not spend long time in which sides as it increases the traffic to you your blog or Web site original Author and source of the article.

