Taxi Services

May 4, 2016


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Transportation market is constantly updated with new services, taxis, and the saturation of leads to better service and new, original services. Already in vogue and in demand, so-called "Female" taxi, whose work is focused on servicing the beautiful half of humanity. Unusual, more often – pink color of the car, immediately attracts attention, and without a word makes it clear that this service will not give up take advantage of a lady of any age. Behind the wheel of taxis operate only women, and they serve only women. Passenger gladly bought a "woman's" taxi, preferring to use such a service, not risk of being attacked by a male driver. Problems of the past number of seats in the taxi, when a large company was forced to call multiple machines. Today, many of the taxi service provide a comfortable minibuses, buses and sometimes, up to fifty people.

The service "autopilot" long practiced by those who "took on his chest," do not risk to drive a car, preferring to delivery to the House took up a qualified driver. Convertible-cab with the wind you a ride around town or take your girlfriend to a romantic date place. Some taxi services are not denied to clients who need to transport animals. Salons such vehicles are equipped with comfortable cells, and some taxi drivers are thinking to earn even the transportation of horses. Starts in demand service – "the nurse on wheels", when the taxi will take or pick up your child from kindergarten or school. Signed long-term contract for this service will save you from unnecessary feelings of a favorite child.

A variety of services that provide taxi service, always will find his client, and the most profitable of them eventually will stand on a par with the rank and file services. Air and water taxi will save you from standing in traffic jams, taxis and tour a pleasant variety romantic date. Even "Solar Taxi" – a car that runs on solar power has a right to exist, and someday, you will not be surprised, having met a car on the tracks theme park. Moscow taxi – GOST 743 – we are happy offer you in addition to standard services – taxi to the airport, only 900 rubles.

