Super Talent

November 6, 2020


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Many other – past – performances by holder Bush show less sadness, on the contrary, holder Bush resembled dissolved, replaced shows a completely different face than in his Super Talent performances. Now arises the question of why he does, why he showed his second face not in the Super talent shows. Man could believe that he deliberately uses the pity factor and then also calculates this. 6) alleged ignorance about his chances of winning shareholder Bush wants did not think supposedly to get into the final. Originally posted on the 11th: I would have never expected source: RTL interview v. 11.12., after his entry into the final,.

As is now known, holder Bush has applied and at the urging of his friends at the Super Talent and they said to him, quote: you can win a person, thing, apply there, that is the right for you to come out great, my friends told me (source: TNN interview with Michael Hanus Bush v. October 1, 2010). Holder Bush had applied affiliated at the Super Talent casting, apparently because he ignored the advice of his friends, and believed that he could win this contest, he himself had explains that on the phone. If holder Bush but then claims he never thought to get into the final, that is not very credible, he knew but very well the effect his presence know (see interview Moghaddam) and he also knew that Dieter Bohlen had already deselected all other candidates who could have been dangerous him. One must assume therefore simply also holder Bush in fact always believed in his victory. 7) effect on the outside & plight In the interview by the 1.10. we asked Michael Hanus Bush, whether he knew about the effect of his appearance and he answered in the negative: Moreover I did still worry, he says on the phone. Similarly, this claim is rather doubtful.

