Spain Colombians

August 5, 2020


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The century had no civil wars declared but there were conflicts that affected (and still affect) the entire population. Unlike earlier periods, when wars were so accustomed as the patron, in recent history we register a chronic violence, stagnant, without winners or losers and hopes that finally concluded to everyone’s joy. It would be fair to ask: how has achieved sustained a country where violence is a habit and the loss of human lives a habit, to sustain itself for two hundred years without that he burst into a thousand pieces and go to the bottom of the abyss of their own intolerance? difficult to answer. We could say that Colombians have a great capacity for adaptation. For good and for evil we are able to cope with any situation difficult this is. And here we are today, in an inexplicable coexistence with the eternal conflict of the others; with the painful and humiliating scourge of the kidnapping; with the cruelty of organizations at the margin of the law that do not make humanitarian sense nor to return the bodies of the victims of their mistakes; with inequality; with social injustice; with impunity, we are accustomed to live, go paradox, even with frequent threats to our sovereignty. What we commemorate July 20? Several facts, among them, of course, on this first attempt to achieve separation from Spain. And the beginning of a journey towards the formation of our identity as Colombians.

Why, because we are Colombians and learned to smile while we suffer, we are still alive and our heart beats to the rhythm that moves our tricolor blue yellow and Red at the top of our patriotic pride. Why in dates such as these, in spite of the violence and the violent, can scream so loudly, so you hear well away, Que viva Colombia! Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a renowned journalist and Colombian writer, linked as a teacher to several Colombian universities. He is author of four books and co-author of three others in which addresses the theme of leadership, ethics, and human development. He is frequently invited as a speaker at conferences, forums, and other academic events. Get in touch with him through corrreo or call cell 300 8055526. Visit his page original author and source of the article

