South America

December 4, 2018


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u0085 As amicable created contract State ecclesiastical law provides a gentle balancing State and religious Interests represent. The regulations are not used, but are a commitment of the Contracting Parties, which is both State sovereignty and church right to self-determination, following from the separation of Church and State. u0085 In State-Church agreements the current legal situation can be guaranteed in addition, such as when the State still backs up to freedom of religion, religious right of self-determination, protection of Kirchenguts before secularization or State services. The liberation theology or theology of liberation is a direction of Christian theology developed in Latin America. It sees itself as the voice of the poor”and aims to contribute to their liberation from exploitation, disenfranchisement and oppression. The situation socially declassified sections of the population out, she interpreted biblical tradition as an impulse for comprehensive social criticism. This refers to an independent analysis of the Polit dependence (dependency theory) and works for a grassroots and predominantly Socialist Social order.

Necessarily significant conflicts with the Church hierarchy, which often resulted in disciplinary action against individual clergy resulted, especially in the Catholic Church. As a consequence of their convictions liberation theologians were also openly against the South America widespread oligarchic and dictatorial regime, which many clergy cost the lives. The most famous victim is oscar Romero, the 1980 murdered Archbishop of El Salvador. Capitalism not with enlightened moral and ethics concepts restrict Quelle/(C) by…, author authoritarian States such as Russia, China, Viet Nam, Kazakhstan, etc. Global players such as Siemens, Daimler-Benz and Bosch, etc. can there at will produce and freely exploit the people and the nature. Premium products to inhuman working conditions and prekariaren (unprotected employees and the unemployed) (day) wages.

The European democracies need therefore, to the self-preservation, the Control over the worldwide (online) capitalism! Weimar has taught US, where does the economy in a weak democracy dictatorship: the destruction of democracy and ultimately of capitalism. Today also leads to the destruction of nature! That’s why I’m for a ‘social market economy’: democracy and capitalism and social responsibility. Note: The complete freedom of speculators means social ruin! (C) 2012 copyright by Wolfgang Schwalm, all rights reserved! Specialist for systemic communication, systemic consultant and coach.

