So Paulo

March 15, 2017


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The theoretical boardings are distinct in some aspects, not having a theory that exemplifique all the motivacionais aspects, therefore to apply an efficient model must be used varies way theories, studying specifies the necessities of the company. Any organization asks for to create a model specifies motivacional. 6.0 – Conclusion The real importance to be each time more productive in view of an objective in set in them takes the search source of inspirations to cover the way route ace established goals. With this work it was possible to observe that some methods and theories applied in relation to the motivation exist. In the organizations, we must remember how much the accomplishment of the individual necessities is important and how much it is important to help the people in this process, a time that the motivation of them depends and very of the possibility of reach of these necessities by means of the work.

(BRIDGES, Benedict Rodrigues, 2005, p.94) The theories presented in this work and as much other more serve to demonstrate the ample ways that can be taken, the existence of some motivacionais models explain the necessity to be in constant evolution, creating goals and motivating the team the cumpriz them. Some studies and research with the motivacional approach assist the taking of decisions to get one better income. In accordance with Gagliardi apud Sun Tzu: It prevents the battle until its organization is certain of the victory. You have esteem many advantages. Before you enter in the battle, the analysis of its organization can indicate that perhaps you are not successful. It can be that you count on few advantages.

Many advantages add it victory. Few advantages add it defeat. How you can know its advantages without before analyzing them? We can know where we find in them through the comment. We can foresee our victory or defeat by means of the planning. (2008, p.34) It looks for to study its planning, it understands its subordinate it establishes a goal and it motivates them. One has equipped motivated enxerga chances where some sees only the barriers and the obstacles. It influences its team and it becomes motivated it to reach the success. References BOWDICH, James L.; BUONO Anthony F., Elements of Organizacional Behavior. So Paulo: Thompson pioneer, 1992. WALNUT, Arnaldo J.F. Mazzei, general Theory of the administration for century XXI. So Paulo: It stokes, 2007. BRIDGES, Benedict Rodrigues, Evaluation of performance: new boarding. 9.ed. So Paulo: LTr, 2005. GAGLIARDI, Gary, Sun Tzu & ndash; The Art of the War & ndash; The Art of the Administration Businesses. So Paulo: M. Books of Brazil Ltda Publishing company, 2008. MINTZBERG, Henry, Creating efficient organizations: structures in five configurations.

