Smoking And Health

August 19, 2020


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Having wrong when the patient has risk factor of smoking. Keywords: Myocardial Infarction, Tobacco, Influence. 1.INTRODUO the tobaccoism affects millions of individuals in the whole world, therefore if they become a problem each more evident time for the World-wide Organization of the Health, other world-wide entities that act in its prevention and its combat (HISS et al; 2008). The tobacco has been associated to an increase in mortality for aterosclertica coronary illness, what it was proven in diverse studies. Go to toddler clothing for more information. This results of the association of some harmful effect of the tobaccoism on the mechanisms of aterognese and trombose (NOZAWA et al; 2003). The study of infarto acute of the myocardium (THEY WENT) it is basic for the high prevalence, mortality and morbidade of the illness. Studies epidemiologists disclose taxes of general mortality for 30% return, being that half of the deaths occurs in first the two hours and 14% die before receiving attendance medical. However, the patients who precociously receive services from emergency had been the ones that had more had benefit of the therapeutical advances of the last decades (PESARO and SERRANO, 2004).

The problematic one of research if of the one for the great appearance of infarto acute of the myocardium, and as the tobaccoism can influence in the illness. It presents as objective it influences to describe it of the tobaccoism predisposition to infarto acute of the myocardium. 2.REVISO OF LITERATURE 2,1 Carrie DEFINITION (2007) presents infarto as the reduction of the sanguineous flow of coronary arteries, resulting in isquemia and necrosis of the myocardium. Mortality is great if the treatment will be delayed, and almost half of the sudden deaths for infarto acute of the myocardium, occurs before hospitalization, for return of the first hour after the beginning of the symptoms. The prognostic improves with strong treatment, initiate immediately. According to Smeltzer and Bare (2005), infarto acute of the myocardium is caused by the sanguineous flow diminuido of a coronary artery due to rupture of aterosclertica plate and to subsequente occlusion of the artery for one trombo.

