School Locker

January 27, 2024


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Next to decorating your bedroom, your tree away, or your happy place, decorating your school locker is one of the most important ways to express your individuality and personality. Girls seem to decorate their lockers more than boys. They put up pictures of celebrities, pets, friends, sports heroes, and AA filler dragsters. Boys see a more functional and practical use for their lockers: what better place to keep fermenting gym socks and science projects that used to be cheese sandwiches? Next to decorating your bedroom, your tree away, or your happy place, decorating your school locker is one of the most important ways to express your individuality and personality. Choosing the colour, loose, themes, and patterns, shows the world what you like and how you express your creativity. Some of US express our creativity by banging our heads against the locker door, which is expressive (aus can be expressive), but not so creative.

Still, it feels so good when you stop. Others have a more subtle approach. Girls seem to decorate their lockers more than boys. They put up pictures of celebrities, pets, friends, sports heroes, and AA filler Dragsters. Boys see a more functional and practical use for their lockers: what better place to keep fermenting gym socks and science projects that used to be cheese sandwiches? In the same way each of US is that different, every locker is a unique expression and celebration of that difference. How to personalize a school locker Before you go nuts with the decoration, does your school have a locker decorating policy? Some schools are more open to your personal expression than others, so check to see what the rules at your school allow. It may come as a surprise, but some schools actually frown upon painting your locker with a rainbow of day-glo colours.

Be prerpared. Inside your locker, though, things are different. the world is yours. Choose a favorite theme and the colors or material that you want use for the background. Check out material for the background such as: wallpaper, painted canvas, fabrics, acrylic paint, wrapping paper, aluminum paper, mirror faux fur, and neon. Keep away from entrails. You’ll need accessories: magnets, (don’t be shy), stickies, tape, ribbons, dried leaves, pieces of fabric, glue,. scissors, walnettos, axolotls, and 3-d postcards. Items to hang on the wall locker: wooden frames, mirrors, day planner, calendar, clock, pictures, photo collages, cell phone holder. Clean the loose inside. First take all your stuff out and do some cleaning before you start to apply your chosen decoration. Of mouldy, appears to be a shape-shifter, or leaves a bad anything that smell has to go. Popular loose themes are: music, movies, sports, beach, party, beach party, pink, space, super heroes, hockey, skating, boarding, library science, humour, the dark arts, 4-H, book club, mice, and motorcycle enthusiasm. Above all, have fun! Spacelocker your funky online school locker

