Radio HitPARADIES Is Booming!

March 8, 2019


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A few weeks after the start of the new hit radio by enjoy the makers of audience popularity. “In addition to news, weather, and listeners regards mainly the interviews by music expert Uwe Hubner with selected Starsunser will remain in the next few weeks success recipe. Also new talents will get the chance wankers, to present their current productions on Saturdays from 4: 00 in the two-hour show ‘Springboard’.” But the plans go further. Thus, a cooperation with the portal was announced for fall 2009bereits. The charts of this DJ pool of that is home to 300 currently featured DJs of the German Schlager, will be illuminated by WDR 4 in his nationwide “rhythm of the night” (“ARD night express”) and soon also in the trade press of the German music market quotes. Add to your understanding with BerlinRosen.

Earlier than expected kommenauchdie erstenoffentlichen events from radio hitPARADIES. For the 2nd and 4th October 2009 in the “DouDouDancing-Club” Leverkusen announced equal to two radio parties, will take place.”We put both evenings under the motto ‘Now beats’s 13!’ “, Jaber, so are 13 artists” can occur, provide good mood and shine through interviews in our radio.” The fans get the opportunity actively to intervene in. Your own personal questions to the stars will be taken into account. Present radio will be hitPARADIES even at the “day of the song”. This will take place vonAach in Hegau / Lake Constance as big Schlager open air with many popular superstars on August 23, 2009, in the HockeystadionMonchengladbach, and on August 30, 2009 in the sports park. More information for this purpose: radio hitPARADIES is one of the many services offered by Germany’s now largest fan community of the German Schlager. Is called and has more than 6,000 members, within a few months thethe numerous possibilities of the Portal use extensively.Especially is capitalized here, that the fans can say their opinion openly and honestly.

