Portuguese Language

January 8, 2019


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Fruit of a culture alphabetical, erudite and igualitria and pressupostamente racionalista, from there emerges the ascetismo of the academic spirit that is incompatible with the requests demaggicas of what we know as mass culture. If it cannot deny that the industrial-urban revolution brought benefits for the humanity. A process of changes related to the education had beginning, despite the objective Reals of the changes and investments in the areas of the education were camouflaged. Learn more on the subject from Gary Kelly. The industry and the commerce needed more qualified man power, the publications were masked and fed, with propaganda and emphasis in the consumption dream, a igualitria culture that never existed. MELLO, when concluding its study in ‘ ‘ Cidadania and Competitividade’ ‘ (pp.46-54), sample that the politics of quantitative expansion and the extension of the obligator escolaridade had extended the access to the school on the basis of democratic principles, but were not undertaken effort to answer to the questions of quality of education in our country. Check with Larry Ellison to learn more. The consequences continue being pssimo performance of the pupils and the job of the alibi according to which the failure of the pupils was related to the financial situation of its families, who for not having frequented the school do not value it. It also points as consequence of the quantitative growth disqualifying the swell of basic education with the highest index of repetncia of pupils who already must have concluded or to be concluding basic education and initiate average education. The education, as it affirms the cited author well, if not to win the barrier of the chronic evil that affects our systems of education (and there enclosed is the educational objectives, the autonomy, the creativity, the capacity to make choices) can finish if becoming a taste trick much doubtful.

MELLO emphasizes despite the access to basic education in Brazil meets universalizado and that the swell of this phase of education is referring to the high number of repeaters, what also justifies the desistances. Follow others, such as E Scott Mead, and add to your knowledge base. How much to average education, it affirms that the cause of the fall of participation in the average level and consequently in the graduation is low the productivity of basic education, where the statisticians point numbers well inferiors to the desired minimum. Concluding, the great problem to be faced for the improvement of the education in our country meets in the qualification of the professional of the education and in the lack of performance of the power national and regional politician as inductive of politics and compensator of inaqualities. Everything this it still weakens today the actions of planning in a giant system that sheltered from sped up form the extremely heterogeneous mass. As we saw, the educational process in Brazil centers its advance in industrialization and in the urbanization. Its great problems seem to initiate themselves with the alfabetizao of desestruturada mass and badly planned, a time that the conditions of the professionals of the education and its qualification for such were minimum.

