
November 11, 2020


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The practice of systemic therapy and integrative solutions informed modern education is anything but easy. Children to see parents always loving and at the same time powerful role models, which motivate to achieve excellence and to meet their social requirements in every respect. Such claims are difficult to reconcile with the reality of everyday life. Often, the difference between parental self claims, real life, and influence leads to a spiral of problem who turns inexorably in the direction of serious family conflicts. The degree education and Psychotherapeutin(HP) Heike Bangert Wang to help parents with professional coaching is to not lose in unrealistic expectations and to perceive their position towards the children successfully. Perfect families are as rare as children who always work”.

Disputes on the agenda are ordinary families and pubescent children begin to test the limits of. This is usually only be the problem if the parents want to achieve a perfect upbringing of their children with unrealistic claims of self and here, almost inevitably fail. Now suffer from the sense of victimization and the fear of failure, the situation deteriorated rapidly. Instinctively taking advantage of parental insecurity, let the kids continue to escalate her behavior. Have continuing tensions so far harmed the familial relationship, that the parents themselves know any more advice, professional help is necessary to normalize the relationship with their children.

In the systemic parent coaching, the relationship of the parents is to their children at the Center. By means of a precise assessment of the different claims, whom they faced in the role of parents they are enables, to recognize their own performance, their needs and concerns. Now, for example, in the framework of intensive discussions and small exercises, new perspectives can tap and helpful, new practices in dealing with their Learn children. Parent coaching is to help normalize the relationship between parents and their children. At the same time, it strengthens the conflict resolution skills and authority of their parents. Children learn its limits within the family structure through new patterns and a harmonious coexistence is possible again. For the solution of long-lasting family conflicts, the parent coaching can be complemented by families therapeutic conversations with all family members and a single care of the children. Heike Bangert Wang, and Hilmar Wang therefore support their clients with a therapy and coaching, which comprehensively addresses all aspects of family life. For further questions, they are always available.

