Organic Vegetable Garden

August 6, 2020


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Do after the summer and after the first very satisfying experience with the eco garden? logical following the method of Gaspar Caballero de Parades in Crestall, have again put the Orchard for the harvest of winter and with some modifications. After inform me in the forums of envelope different types of garden that used to use people, I decided to do a sort of blend with what seems to me to my best of each House according to my tastes and needs. I also reported on the method that follows Mariano Bueno and also grabbed some ideas on the subject as well as a lot of information in his book. I’ll try to explain a little what they’ve taken from each method and as I will do: Gaspar Caballero: still have what are known as Parades in crestall, i.e., rectangles of 1.5 meters wide by 3-6 meters long. (So far I had them from 3metros and I have expanded them to long 6metros believe you abundance harvest hehe). These rectangles are divided into three longitudinal zones, the two lateral for sowing and the central for flowers and aromatic herbs. Instead of flowers I’ve planted Strawberry plants, will be three or four at each stop and I am thinking if do some kind of individual miniinvernadero or something with a grille that birds pecked not me the strawberries if they come out.

Add a thin layer of compost on the land of these rectangles, this only vegetal-forestal year (last year I used also straw mixed with horse and chicken manure). I will also continue with its distribution of plants by families in each of the four stops on crestall. The difference is that I will include a fifth stop in crop rotation which is a portable chicken coop and that will rotate every year along with the rest of crops (this type of chicken coops are very well explained in the book of Mariano Bueno). To view the rest of the article visit: original author and source of the article.

