Occupational Disability Insurance

March 20, 2018


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The teaching has started, but it already needs protection? Thousands of young people have now the first two weeks of training behind him. To the training start, reads and hears everywhere by the disability insurance for trainees. What is the assertion that it would take the insurance already? You can be berufsunfahig at any age. The risk not to be able to exercise his profession, always exists. A published study of the magazine in July focus found that 43% of today’s male career starters in the course of their careers will be berufsunfahig. That is almost one in two. Women their profession no longer can exert to 38%.

The reason for the demanding on messages to the disability insurance in the last few weeks, on the one hand in this high risk, but also in the missing legal safeguard for trainees. Who is suddenly berufsunfahig during his apprenticeship, mostly unaware of father State receives. Since it bad enough is that a serious Having suffered a stroke of fate, which has led to the disability, obstacles in the way should be placed a young people not even in financial terms. The disability pension can help himself after the sad event back to move on and start again. Who would like to complete a disability insurance, should inform themselves well and compare terms and fees. Some insurers offer only a disability protection during training. Then only one would receive a pension, which can work in any other profession. The inclusion of a guarantee of insurance is important. Thus, the pensions of the professional and personal development can be adjusted without having a health review is due. finads GmbH

