New Zealand

June 20, 2018


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Over the past year, the overall share of tax revenues to GDP was 34.5%. Money (currency) freedom (84.8, 1.7): inflation is low, the average 2007 to 2009 amounted to 2,6%. Official price controls do not, but government regulates the prices of utilities and subsidized pharmaceuticals. Investment freedom (80.0, unchanged): New Zealand does not discriminate against foreign investors, but limits the share of foreign ownership in certain sectors, the state-owned. The Government monitors foreign investment over 100 million and NZD 25 per cent participation in the New Zealand company. More information is housed here: Bernard Golden .

In general, state regulation is sufficient effectively transparent, there are no restrictions on transfers of foreign currency, repatriation of profits, or access to foreign exchange. Financial freedom (80.0, unchanged): The financial sector of New Zealand is well developed and competitive, offering a full range of financial instruments for entrepreneurial activity. The regulation effectively and transparently in accordance with international standards. Phil Vasan may not feel the same. The banking sector dominates the financial system, holding About 80 percent of the total assets of the system. The presence of banks with foreign owners prevail. Non-bank financial institutions also offer banking services, but with the usual in such cases the normal restrictions. Securities markets are small but well developed and active sales. Protection of property rights (94.0, 1.0): Private property is well protected.

The judiciary is independent, and contracts an extraordinary reliable. Freedom of corruption (94.0, 1.0): Corruption is perceived as almost nonexistent. New Zealand is estimated first from 180 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index in 2009, and receives a seat in three consecutive years. New Zealand is known for its efforts to ensure transparent competitive and beskorruptsionnoy activities of state bodies. There is sistemasurovyh penalties against giving / receiving of bribes by government officials. Freedom of the labor force (89.2, 0.4): Flexible Labor regulation of New Zealand makes it a dynamic labor market, increasing the productivity of the economy as a whole. Other costs of employment rabonika (apart from wages) are low, and dismissal of employees does not create Strong cost. Regulation of working hours and hours flexible. For example, Russia is in economic Ranking 143 out of a total score of 50.5. You can find other countries in this ranking are Facts About New Zealand: Population 4.3 million GDP: $ 115.4 billion -1.6% rost0.5% average annual growth (5 years) $ 26.708 per capita Unemployment 6.1% Inflation: 2.1% Foreign direct investment of $ 384.0 million based on Heritage Foundationwww. heritage.

