
May 22, 2018


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In parallel to the rupture, if it cannot deny the desire of the writers in knowing and exploring the past as creation source, not as norm to create itself. As manifestations of this desire for rupture, that at the same time they respected workmanships of the literary tradition, we have the Manifesto of the Poetry Wood-Brazil, the book Macunama, the picture of Brazilians through the cubistas influences of Tarsila of the Amaral, the book Great House & Senzala, amongst innumerable others. Magazines of the time had also dedicated to the subject, such as Aesthetic, Klaxon and Antropofagia, that had been medias between the movement. It is considered Week of Modern Art, carried through in So Paulo, in 1922, as starting point of the modernismo in Brazil. However, nor all the participants of this event were modernistas: Favour Spider, a daily pay-modernista, for example, was one of the orators. Not being dominant since the beginning, the modernismo, with the time, supplanted the previous ones. More information is housed here: Bernard Golden . It was marked, over all, for the freedom of style and approach with the said language, being of the first phase more radical in relation to this landmark.

The Modernismo I was divided in three phases: the first phase, more radical and strong opposing to that she was previous, full of irreverncia and scandal; second that it formed great romancistas and poets; third, also called After-Modernismo for some authors, whom if the first one opposed in certain way, and was therefore ridicularizada with the neoparnasianismo nickname. Tarsila of the Amaral participated of the first Modernista phase. 2.2.CARACTERSTICAS the characteristics of the Modernismo Are innumerable, all in opposition to the traditional concepts. They had made a true rupture. Main characteristics: Total freedom of expression form; Use of the coloquial language (daily); Use of the free and barbarous verse; Chronological and space discontinuity; Mood in the poetry (Poem-joke); Inclusion of the facts of the moment; Nationalism, presence of the landscape and sensitivity of the history of the land; Brazilian regionalism, folklore, legends, traditions and myths; The action of the plot loses the importance; Direct language, predominance of the substantives; Universalismo.

