Military Policia

June 30, 2020


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The used doses are of 100mg of the hexaidrato of piperazida, 104mg of fosfato, 120mg of adipato, 125mg of citrate. This medicine is contraindicated in patients with renais, hepticas and neurological injuries. It can cause reactions as motor incoordenao, vertigo, muscular atony. (REY et al., 2008). 3.1.Epidemiologia the epidemiologia is an independence of human factors, ambient and on to the biology of helminto. In relation to the human factors it can be affirmed that ascaridiose is an illness done or kept by the proper species total dependent of us, therefore in countries where the conditions of basic sanitation are adjusted, incidence of the illness reduced drastically. Already in regions where it lacks sewer service or we pssimos habits of basic hygiene make of the peridomicilio a perfect focus closing the cycle: parasito environment to the host. (SNOWS et al., 2008).

The world-wide prevalence this around 30% to put in very different way. In Brazil the general prevalence is of 36,7% showing decline in the successive years. In the Amaznia the taxes had been superior 60%, north-eastern they oscillate between 35% and 50% and in the south of the country the taxes are inferior 30%. (REY et al., 2008). 3.2.Profilaxia specific the prophylactic measures can be generalities. The specific measures are treatment in mass of the positive population, during three years consecutive. Already the general measures present a more including and more effective result of what the use of the cited measures.

These, in turn, are based on the following aspects: Sanitary education in mass of the communities; Incentive for the participation of the people in brainstorming for problems of the community; Search of new economic chances for the community; installation of treatment of water and sewer with correct destination of the effluent sanitary.

