Matt Dillon Arrested By Police

July 6, 2020


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The actor was arrested Yes to fast driving by the police, Yes, even as a celebrity, you have no ticket. If it is against the law it is due no matter whether celebrity or not! Perhaps has a certain bonus OK, as a celebrity, but punished all should be well, that not to abide by laws. Even if it is only a “jaywalking” like speeding. By irresponsible behavior, yes not only his life sets the on the game. A related site: Mark Zuckerberg mentions similar findings. A good resolution for the new year for Matt Dillon should probably read: times somewhat slow down! The actor who is well known for most of the movie “mad about Mary” with Cameron Diaz, namely stopped on Tuesday evening by the police. The reason was his excessive speed.

He drove about 170km / h allowed 110km / h. The police gave out a statement which says that the actor have behaved very cooperative and avoided any excitement today. The “matter” was within 15 to 20 minutes once done. However accountable on January 21 before the Orange country Court Matt Dillon. On happy new year slightly slower maybe! Lisa Walters

