July 31, 2019


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Yes, you're right! Someone has already found a job by this formula. And this one – only 13% of the market Labor, only 130 people out of thousands and thousands of these a lot! And if you're reading this article, this one just is not YOU! But if after all the above you still want to find a job of your dreams, and not be among those who have not even reached interview, the best throw away common standards and try to stand out among the rest, quite ordinary applicants. Okay, but how? The answer is simple: MARKETING! Yes! That's right! You do not wonder how similar the actions of sales managers and the successful candidates: instead of flyers and leaflets – your resume, instead of mailing list – your cover letter, instead of shopping visit agent – your campaign a job interview! Instead of product-YOU! And instead of the customer – your employers! If these processes are represented by such similar, can you get a job as well, using the techniques of top managers Sales, as they sell goods to your customers? Of course you can, and even more, that's what our team and is engaged! We have developed a simple step by step marketing formula job search! And so, that required the applicant to find your dream job? Masterplan search rabotyVybor kompaniiIzuchenie the target company (market research company, competitors, challenges, clients) Special "impact letter" that you are invited to intervyuSpetsialny resume format that fits your situation (graduate, specialist older, career change, returning after maternity leave, a description of achievements, target description, etc.) strategy with business correspondence nanimatelyamiPoshagovy training plan to have your letter employers, but could you not a marketer, you can not explore the market, the competitors, you do not know what "impact letter", you do not special written resume formats, you do not know how to use the plan of preparation for the interview and you have no idea how to conduct business correspondence with employers. Larry Ellison has much to offer in this field. Well, it should not be your problem. We have done a great work, many months of testing and research, so that each applicant could take advantage of our simple, step-by looking for work, without much effort. Maybe we do not cut your time looking for work, but we certainly will increase your chances of finding your dream job! Step by step formula for finding the work of your dreams. Verizon Communications often addresses the matter in his writings.

