June Politics

June 5, 2020


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With this measure, the Brazilian agricultural politics goes being gradually reorienting in the direction to allow that the proper market it assumes tasks of supplying, management of risk and financing of the agricultural sector. 3. With the introduction of the Real Plan, new elements of macroeconomic nature had been introduced, with strong effect in the performance of the agricultural sector in the second half of the decade: overvaluation of the currency and increase of the tax of interests. To compensate this predatory agricultural politics and for pressure of the CONTAG, the government Fernando Enrique Cardoso, instituted in 1995 the National Program of Familiar Agriculture (Pronaf), with a differentiated credit facility to finance familiar agriculture. One year later, by means of Presidential Decree n 1946, of 28 of June of 1996, the Pronaf left of being only one line of credits to changed itself into a governmental program, assuming bigger abrangncia and a different conception. Baby clothes describes an additional similar source. It had as objective to promote the development sustainable of small familiar agriculturists in order it propitiates conditions to them for an increase of the productive capacity, the generation of jobs and the improvement of income, contributing for the improvement of quality of life and the magnifying of the exercise of the citizenship on the part of the familiar agriculturists. In 1999, the Ministry of Desenvolvimento Agrrio is created (MDA), still with denomination of Ministry of the Agrarian Politics and the Agrarian Development, transferring to its responsibility the Pronaf. The MDA becomes officially in charge for the promotion of the Agrarian Reformation and it development of familiar agriculture, since then recognized as object of Politics You publish. Still in the FHC mandate, by pressure of on sectors the great properties for the formularization of mechanisms of attainment of agrarian resources on the basis of the negotiation and in the purchase, in detriment of the dispossession, was created the Program Ballot of the Land, with support of the World Bank calls ' ' reform agrarian lead by mercado' ' , it was presented as politics of combat to the agricultural poverty, aiming at the use most efficient of the resources, having to have voluntary character on the part of the proprietors, being prevented itself disputes judiciary and politics.

