Intensive Care Services

May 3, 2020


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The L & W intensive care service contractor company (limited liability) informed care for health problems is a help to people of all ages with different clinical pictures. An intensive care means the outpatient care outside a hospital. This allows the patient to be supervised in their familiar environment. The basic and treatment care is one of the activities of a home-based intensive care. The intensive care service explains what tasks include these areas, L & W from Planegg. A good-quality care includes a basic and treatment care tasks of basic and treatment care. The basic nursing care primarily include support and help, as well as the acquisition of transactions of daily life. The treatment care includes medical services. The activities in the basic nursing care include necessary assistance that allow life in the home: – personal hygiene (showers, washing and bathing) – preparation and assistance with feeding – mobility (assistance in getting up, Bedtime or arrival and undressing) – camps in confinement – incontinence care – prophylaxis – guidance and counselling care Member maintaining treatment is carried out after writing the prescription: – ranging from medicines – measuring of blood pressure and blood sugar – pulse and temperature control – wound care and logo – Ostomy supply – pressure ulcer prevention and treatment – maintenance and changes of catheters – injections (intramuscularly, subcutan) – probe and port supply – change and care a cuffed tracheostomy tube – compression bandage on and drop of stockings for detailed information about the basic and treatment care L & W from Planegg is the intensive care service at any time to the Available.

