
May 12, 2018


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Survey on shows: 45 per cent are dissatisfied with their health insurance there is optimal health insurance low contribution rate and comprehensive health services? Whether insured feel supplied really enough with their health insurance, tested the portal per survey. 45 percent of those polled were dissatisfied overall and thus both the statutory and private health insurance companies expectations not the respondent insured. Of the respondents, 36 percent with their statutory health insurance compared to private patients feel oppressed. But also private health insurance companies to offer their customers not always an optimal solution when 91 percent with their private insurance are also satisfied. Can a statutory health insurance scheme offer sufficient services? Yes, 27 percent say. The combination with a private additional insurance brings the optimum all-round protection for 11 percent. No reason for criticism at the private 18 percent and see no reason for a change of the Fund.

