Genesis And Resurrection

August 23, 2020


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In order to introduce itself in the Biblical reading, it only needs spiritual will and oration, to obtain the best discernment in including/understanding the words of its author. It has much more in this book that knowledge, is much more wisdom in him is life and life in abundance, cannot be read the bible and remain been silent with this knowledge without sharing all the beautiful one which in him it has, is the unique book that car renews as the man begins to include/understand his own scientific advance, because everything what man tries to realise as social advance; this book already takes writing to it, is on the spiritual awares to you, speaks directly to your conscience, abre the veil of your understanding and you manage to see the life of a way different from the way you took that it before, the fibers of your feelings are affected towards a new spiritual experience. To include this skillful work written by different people during centuries and taken from the hand by the spirit santo and directed by a single consumador author the father all powerful and his son Christ our rescuer, is the greatest legacy of salvation atravez of the faith, written it humanity to reconcile to us with the father and thus to reach the eternal life. During an analysis of study between the chapter of the resurrection of Christ, described by the apostles Mateo, Frame, Lucas and Juan, it is obtained observes a similarity between the tomb where it was placed the son of the man and the Edn where one takes place fall of man, between old pact and pact renewed exists great variety of event that is related to each other like symbolic events of character to similar events in historical synonymy, between the chapter (2) and the chapter (3) of the book of Genesis, in that analogous characteristics are appraised that symbolize in the context of the new testament the tomb and the resurrection, exist in those passages; rhetorical figures between the sin that produces the fall of the man and the condemnation of all the humanity, with the resurrection of Christ by the rescue of the human being.

