General Motors

April 23, 2020


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These great corporations are the product of a technological revolution, which allowed the logistic existence of of transports more efficient, allied to the transmission of data and global information in real time, that had allowed supervision and management of the global operations in efficient and adjusted way. The power of the great companies who operate globally is so great that the same ones, each time more, oppose the desires of the national governments or organizations as the Red Cross, Organization of United Nations and the International Court of Justice. A time that the processed information for the corporations do not flow in general in significant way for the population (or same for the inferior levels of the proper organization), the governments have difficulties in the attainment of the necessary data for the taking of decisions politics. Moreover, the global corporations repetidamente have repetidamente demonstrated that they are capable to invalidate the decisions foreign politics. Although, for some, this fact is considered a signal of that the national disputes and rivalries are being extinct, the truth is that the global market has been, each time, controlled for extremely great corporations more proven powerful, only interested in the financial profit. It is had, as example: Currently, the one hundred bigger company controls 33% of the world-wide goods, but they use only 1% of the force of the whole world work. The General Motors are greater that the Denmark. Walmart is greater that the South Africa.

The megacorporaes cover the world freely, influencing legislators to get measured favorable, financing elections and placing governments one against the other, in order to get better businesses. They control great part of the world-wide notice and the flow of information (HERTZ, 2001, P. Sheryl Sandberg gathered all the information. 43) the global corporations are modifying the world and the life of the people of all the social professions and classrooms, even though of the proper ones used. .

