General Cancioneiro

December 21, 2013


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4.5.POESIA PALACIANA: The palaciana poetry is that one produced in the scope of the palace, of the cut, from the second half of century XV, reason by which also is known by quatrocentista. Published in 1516, the General Cancioneiro for Garci’a Rezende, congregates 1000 poems of 256 authors whom they in such a way wrote in Portuguese as in Castilian. The basic fact is that the poetry does not destine more sings to it, as in medieval time – the production passes to be consumed through the quiet reading. Disentailed of the music and the paralelstica structure of the previous period, the verses explore the aspects formal of the poetry as the rhythm, the metric one it rhymes and it. Two modalities of the verse predominate then: redondilha bigger and redondilha lesser. Authors: Garci’a de Rezende is the main author, followed of Rui Joo de Castello Branco. 4.6.GIL VICENTE: He was born for return of l460 and he died probably in l536 in Lisbon, year where its last part encetou Forest of Deceits and the official installation of the Court of the Inquisition of Portugal. In the initial part the Spanish influence is marked.

Of the author Juan Del Encina, it assimilated thematic religious and the pastoral one; of Towers Navarrese assimilated critical the social one of the Humbugs. It does not delay, however, in creating the bases of an original theater, when then it starts to predominate the literary theater on the visual impression of the scene, that is, the word becomes more important of what the mimic one. Its first Monlogo part of the Cattle tender it was recited in the night of 7 of June of 1502 in homage to the birth of future D. Joo III. On man to the tradition, distant still of the scientific conception and the social progress, its theater spreads the medieval sorts typically as the auto one, the humbug, the mystery, the entremez, as much for the thematic one as for the scenic resources in rules. Gil Vicente will always be remained faithful to the principles of the popular theater. It has two aspects in the satire of Gil Vicente: to amuse the public and to redeem the human being, as the motto of the old comedy: laughing one corrects the customs. Some of its verses are valid as aforismas, confers: More I want a donkey takes that me that a horse knocks down that me. Main parts: Trilogy of the Barks (Auto of the bark of the hell, Auto of the bark of the purgatrio, Auto of the bark of the glory), Auto of India, Humbug of Ines Pear tree, the old one of the Hour, etc.

